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Everything posted by .BOSS.

  1. Good night

  2. i won! im pro in gungame :v 


  3. Haha new Nick 

  4. Hay gato your start Designs 

    1. Strix


      i started design when you was born

    2. .BOSS.


      really then why your not GFX Liar 

    3. Strix


      because gfx isnt my goal here

  5. Good Morning all friends of csbd 

  6. Start Vote V:1 :<3 V:2 :<3 V:3 :<3
  7. ????:(: ?

  8. No automatic alt text available. 

    what he is doing :v

    1. Filmora


      wowowo slowly hh ?

  9. Name of the oponent: @Ga[M]eR @Csblackdevil and @MoNsTeR™ Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Avatar Size:200x200 *Text:BaTTLe Watermark: CSBD / Csblackdevil Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 : 8 votes Working time:24 hour
  10. Accepted
  11. Image result for marry

    Good morning baby :/v  hahahah

  12. Zombie is Comming :V hahahaha

    Image result for Tree

  13. v1: 8 vote v2: 2 vote Winner @__@.:{<}BOSS{>}:.__[CSBD]
  14. hay Era what is this tell me this is Manager or not ? look this 


    1. Don Era^^

      Don Era^^

      yea hes manager why you ask ?

    2. .BOSS.


      man Look Color from Out side :v 

  15. hay Love what is this tell me this is Manager or not ? look this 


    1. Strix
    2. Strix


      this is a cow again dont you see? 

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