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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by Jose.

  1. Esto aun existe?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheKnight.


      el que ya no está aqui eres tu xd

    3. Jose.


      @Josue.- Mejor ni dire nada Nuevo :V

    4. TheKnight.


      JAJAJAJAJAJ, yo me acuerdo de ti

  2. I'm seeing if I can get home at that time since I live in Venezuela and that time is in the afternoon and I'm working So I'll check everything depends on what time I get home
  3. Nick : DADDY Grade : Helper Reason : Ask for ammo Warning : 1/4
  4. You're Welcome to ThunderZM Family
  5. Welcome
  6. Jose.

    [Banlist] Jose

    ¤ Nick: ¤ Ip: ¤ Ban Time:120 Minutes ¤ Reason:SPAM ¤ Proof:https://imgur.com/a/eefkqDB
      • 1
      • I love it
  7. You Have a Wrong Model for Request Admin (But You Activity is Good) Can Fix you Admin Request with Correct Model Your Nickname : Age: Languages That You Can Speak: Your Location: Experience As Admin : Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (12:00PM to 3:00AM ) : Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) : Reason That You Want To Be Admin: Can You Be Active In ThunderZM Teamspeak Channel : Can You Boost The Server Sometimes ? : Key Word ( Password ) Found In The Rules Topic :
  8. Welcome!
  9. ¤ Nickname: ¤ Your ip Click here to know your IP: ¤ The reason of ban: ¤ Admin who banned you: ¤ proof (screenshot of your console):
  10. Here You Can Upload Your Best Score In Server Model ¤ You Nick: ¤ Server Time: ¤ Proof:
  11. Just wanna know our real name player/admins must post hes/her real name and birthday here Model : ¤ Nick : ¤ Real Name : ¤ Your Birthday : ¤ You Photo :
  12. Jose.

    Present Yourself

    ¤ Nickname: ¤ Name: ¤ Age: ¤ Country: ¤ City: ¤ Favorite Games: ¤ Favorite Shows: ¤ Favorite Movies: ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: ¤ What would you like to do in life: ¤ Favorite actor : ¤ Favorite actress: ¤ Favorite juice: ¤ In what country would you like to live: ¤ Favorite football team: ¤ Which is you favorite Car models: ¤ A brief description about you: ¤ How did you find ThunderZM?:
      • 1
      • I love it
  13. ¤ Nick: ¤ Ip: ¤ Ban Time: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof: IMPORTANT ! The commands "amx_addban & amx_banip" can be used by "administrators" and up! Please read the rules before using these commands! All fields are required! In Case of Using Illegal Programs to Improve the Game Level, a Video of At Least 7 Seconds must be uploaded (Obligatory) Do not ban players for no reason because you will be penalized!
  14. Felicidades Pape Excelente Juego Lo Mereces!

    1. Akrapovic


      Igual tu bro, buen Juego ❤️ 

  15. Felicidades Pape Excelente Juego Lo Mereces!

    1. [M]anuel


      gracias igual a ti man 

  16. Server is on now! ZMOLDSCHOOL!
    Come join , play with us!

  17. Feliz Regreso

    1. Akrapovic


      Gracias bro cuanto tiempo 

    2. Jose.


      De pana Cuando te llegas al ts

  18. You can Go ts3 When u Alive? :V

    1. King_of_lion


      i there now or pm me 


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