Ricardo Menéndez, indicated that this week will begin the removal of buildings in the housing complexes built through the aforementioned policy, to conduct house-to-house visits in August
ÚN.- This Monday, the data collection in urbanism of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela (Gmvv) began, as part of the activities prior to the po[CENSORED]tion census of 2019.
From the urban planning Santa Rosa, in Caracas, the sectoral vice president of Planning, Ricardo Menéndez, said that this week will begin the lifting of buildings in housing complexes built through the aforementioned policy, to conduct house-to-house visits in August.
In statements offered to VTV, he explained that the data collection will provide information on aspects such as the operation of services.
"We are initiating in this urbanism the activities related to the registration of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela. This is a lifting phase of the buildings that are in the urban areas, then in August do the lifting house by house of each person, to incorporate the data to the comparison of the great mission. We are going to have comprehensive databases of all the families the survey begins today and will be deployed throughout the national territory, "he explained.
He pointed out that the information obtained from synchronization, the survey and the face-to-face activity will feed "directly into the Gmvv database for the formulation of public policies".
"In August we will start with the capture of the coordinates, to be able to carry out this census, apartment by apartment; this way we will capture the data of the Gmvv, After the apartment visits per apartment we will digitize this information for the integral databases, and in one two months they will give useful information for the strategic policies of the Venezuelan State, "he said.
He also stated that "a very important reading has to do with the database system. It can not happen that each official or institution comes to ask for some information of the person ".
Menéndez stressed that in order to carry out this process, a multidisciplinary team of the Gmvv, the Geographical Institute of Venezuela "Simón Bolívar" and the National Institute of Statistics (INE) is deployed.
"We are specifying a phase that will lead us to consolidate the census and geographic information system," stressed the head of Planning.
In the pre-census deployment, Menéndez was accompanied by the Minister of Po[CENSORED]r Power for Habitat and Housing, Ildemaro Villarroel, who pointed out that "the pre-census of the Gmvv will allow us to determine the need for urban services and to be able to supply them in an opportune manner".
He said that with this data collection an articulation methodology will be promoted, for the machinery of the Gmvv to continue advancing in the task of reaching the goal of 5 million homes by 2021.
"The interconnection will allow us to keep updated for decision making," he said.