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Everything posted by Sinan.47

  1. <19:10:39> "HoTTT.": hello
    <19:13:39> "Deccal": hi
    <19:13:50> "HoTTT.": how are u
    <19:13:55> "Deccal": talk me fast
    <19:14:18> "HoTTT.": u can help me
    <19:14:36> "HoTTT.": I Need admin
    <19:14:53> "Deccal": okey
    <19:14:58> "Deccal": u have experince?
    <19:15:01> "Deccal": for owner
    <19:15:01> "HoTTT.": yes
    <19:15:16> "HoTTT.": I have experince
    <19:15:20> "HoTTT.": Good
    <19:15:29> "Deccal": okey u deserve Founder
    <19:15:33> "Deccal": I send u ftp
    <19:15:37> "HoTTT.": ok
    <19:15:40> "HoTTT.": send
    <19:15:45> "HoTTT.": ftp
    <19:15:47> "Deccal": wait 1 minu
    <19:15:51> "HoTTT.": ok
    <19:16:40> "Deccal": email: YouarekidxDjhjkwewjekwjej@gmail.com
    <19:16:52> "Deccal": pw: I'm ugly.kid.xD.wdjhjhjhjr
    <19:17:00> "HoTTT.": hhhh
    <19:17:08> "Deccal": WEQWRWERETTRUY


  2. Welcome To CSBD
  3. Happy republic day to all Indian's
  4. Welcome To CSBD enjoy
  5. The history of FPS games, the type most played by most computer gamers, actually stretches back to '80s. At that time, this sort of improvement for the Atari was stamped on those times, even if not as much as the present one, with the FPS games at that time and the present there being as much difference as the mountains. The FPS was found to be '90s' in the present day. The new FPS has become so po[CENSORED]r among the players that it has developed countless games in those years. The games contained a lot of brutality, future-like equipment, and lots of enemies to be shot. It was a kind of FPS that the players of that period could throw stress and have fun. FPS games, which continue to maintain the same po[CENSORED]rity today, are still among the most po[CENSORED]r genres, and continue to evolve. 10 - Wolfenstein 3D The game, which was defined as the forerunner of the current FPS race, was inspired by Castle Wolfenstein. The main topic of the game is the American spy, William Blatkowicz, who, after being imprisoned by Nazi prisoner Castle Wolfenstein, was killed by SS officers, then fleeing and killing all enemy soldiers in front of him to destroy the Nazi regime. There are a total of 6 sections in the vote and 9 maps in each section. You have to kill all the enemies that have appeared before you to go through maps and chapters. At the end of each episode, there were powerful bosses, one of which was Adolf Hitler. wolfenstein_3d Developed by id Software in 1992, Wolfenstein 3D has inspired all the FPS games to be released in the following years and has been taking place for a long time on the players' journey. The game, presented with an innovative graphics engine, was presented to us in a 2.5-dimensional world, not 3D, which caused the game to make millions of sales.
      • 1
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  6. Black & White Production: Lionhead Studios Distribution: EA Games Output Year: 2001 We did not know exactly what we were seeing until Black & White went out on the market. We were trying to make the people who worshiped us happy while we developed the creatures we chose on the one hand we played a role of God. Black & White, a game that made players feel so strong when they were playing strategy games for the first time, succeeded in establishing a throne in the hearts of players with in-game interaction. The reactions of our creatures that artificial intelligence worked wonderfully were impressive. This communication is reflected in the dynamics of many of today's games as well as being revolutionary for the period. Download: http://www.ahmetturan.org/git.php?zone=337&title=Black & White ,Download (Full)
  7. EU Minister Ömer Çelik responded to criticism from the EU regarding the operation of the 'Olive Branch' in Afrin. High Representative for EU External Relations and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, criticized the TSK's Olive Branch operation in Afrin and said, "I am extremely worried that we must be sure that access to humanitarian aid is guaranteed and that the fight against EEŞ in the operation should be intensified." He also claimed that the Mogher seriously undermine the resumption of negotiations in Geneva started an operation launched by Turkey. The answer to this statement from the EU came from EU Minister Ömer Çelik today. The Minister responded clearly to the message of "We are Concerned" of the EU, Steel said, NOT MISSING TO MISSING "Turkey represents bits NATO member and EU candidate Europe's borders in the region of a country. Not possible to tolerate any harassment of our limit. Came in a statement from the EU. This purpose we have a criticism. We have given rights to Turkey's security concerns that We'd love to hear it. When it comes to humanitarian access issues Turkey is a country that gives the most value to humanitarian issues. measures have been taken on this issue. WE ARE ANSWERING ALL KINDS OF ANSWERS No word to say to Turkey in the fight against daeş'l concentration. Turkey daeş'l is the most belligerent countries. We also answer every terrorist group attacking us if we choose between terrorist organizations. This operation is an inevitable operation in terms of our safety. YPG LEAVES TERRORISTS FREE The placement of HPP once does not mean that DAEŞ is moving away from there. We saw this in Rakka. We have also seen that YPG released the DAEŞ at the first opportunity US SECURITY REGIONAL PROPOSAL You hear about Americans talking about a 30-kilometer security corridor. If the President's proposals had already been taken seriously, neither DEAŞ nor PKK would be in that region, nor would we have a problem of immigration. The painting on the table is a very clear table. Do you see a meaningful picture in the last 5 days when you write your allegations and statements from the USA, our friend, the bottom line? These contradictory statements take place in the eyes of everyone. Despite the pledges, YPG continued to be given weapons. A US official is making a statement. The SDGs in the East (according to us, the PKK) say they will stop support if they come to Afrin. What about your support kit? "
  8. An earthquake of 7.9 magnitude occurred 250 miles southeast of Alaska's Chiniak area. The earthquake, which was reported to have a magnitude of 8.2 before, was later reported to be 7.9 magnitude. The epicenter of the earthquake that occurred in Turkey clock 12:31, place 10 kilometers of six. For the western parts of Alaska, Canada and the United States, tsunami warnings came from the United States. Japan, which closely follows the developments, has not yet issued a similar warning. The epicenter of the quake is on the Pacific Fire Circle. The fault line, which is the most earthquake-prone in the world, is the largest water mass in the world, the Pacific Ocean. Almost all of the biggest earthquakes in history are on this line.
  9. Owner+manager cs 1.6 Walkingdead :emot-golfclap:

    1. TaYaB-


      Congratulations :D 

    2. #FiNe


      congrats :emot-smugbert:

  10. Hello dude you must contact Mr.love or sethhh for you can buy a server. you can send private mensage here on community to Admins or in skype amon_cs16 : sethhh skype id love_cs1.6 : Mr.Love skype id you can always join to teamspeak channel id : TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM you also can clic in button at main community page named Store after clic on game server hosting and complete steps to buy an server at our community http://prntscr.com/gi09w9 i hope that image help you a little _Regards_ Sinan.47
  11. it carefully checks the emails in your inbox because the email campaign with attachments that infect your PC with malware has returned to the load. This is warned by the Office of Security of the Internet (OSI) of the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), which points out that it is a similar attack to that happened in late August in which criminals deceive the victims into executing a document of malicious Excel. According to the OSI report, the subject of this email is usually Invoice: FACV201700000577, although the last three digits may vary. The content of the message is extremely brief, and only reports that the requested invoice is sent by mail. The message encloses a file called FACV00000-021.xls or similar, which when executed shows an incomplete display, as you can see in the image below. Cybercriminals do this on purpose, and even the document adds indications that it is necessary to enable the content to be able to correctly view the invoice. In case the user clicks the button to enable editing, the installation of a Windows Trojan called Zbot, also known as Zeus, a malware that has been active for many years and of which there are multiple variants, will be carried out in the background. is specialized in the theft of bank data. If you have received a message of this nature and you have fallen into the trap, analyze your computer with anti-virus software as soon as possible to disinfect it, and if you need to contact the INCIBE Response and Support service to help you. To avoid being a victim of such attacks, never download attachments from unsolicited emails and always be wary that the documents ask you to enable macros or leave the protected view.
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  12. iMusic provides an easy-to-use, zero-loss recording feature for over 500 websites. You can split tracks automatically and remove ads from songs. With a choice of MP3 or M4A file formats you also have a lot of flexibility, including a selection of quality settings for each format to help tailor the output to your needs. In addition, this Mac audio recording software can recognize and identify tracks as you record, and automatically tag files with the corresponding artist, track title and album labels. These downloads can be searched by artist, title or album, creating your entire music library simply and quickly. Audio Recorder for Mac is a complete and easy-to-use software package that does everything you could need from an audio recorder. For Windows users, you can also get iMusic for Windows Descarga Gratuita This audio recording software puts a huge power in your hands. In addition to recording, it also comes with audio editing functions as well as the ability to export tools that work in tandem with the multimedia capabilities of a Mac. Cons: 1: Some of their operations are not very intuitive. 2: It has no recording indicators, final mix levels or track levels. Download this free recording software >>
  13. A team of researchers has discovered how to identify smartphones by examining just one photo taken by the device. NEW YORK: Taking cue from tiny variations in the smartphone camera's sensors, a team of researchers has discovered how to identify smartphones by examining just one photo taken by the device. The advancement opens the possibility of using smartphones -- instead of body parts -- as a form of identification to deter cybercrime, said the researchers from the University at Buffalo. "Like snowflakes, no two smartphones are the same. Each device, regardless of the manufacturer or make, can be identified through a pattern of microscopic imaging flaws that are present in every picture they take," said Kui Ren, the study's lead author. "It's kind of like matching bullets to a gun, only we're matching photos to a smartphone camera," Ren added. The new technology could become part of the authentication process -- like PIN numbers and passwords -- that customers complete at cash registers, ATMs and during online transactions. "For people who've had their personal identification stolen, it could also help prevent cybercriminals from using that information to make purchases in their name," said Ren. The study focuses on an obscure flaw in digital imaging called photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU). Manufacturing imperfections create tiny variations in each camera's sensors. These variations can cause some of sensors' millions of pixels to project colours that are slightly brighter or darker than they should be. Not visible to the naked eye, this lack of uniformity forms a systemic distortion in the photo called pattern noise. Extracted by special filters, the pattern is unique for each camera. Compared to a conventional digital camera, the image sensor of a smartphone is much smaller. "The reduction amplifies the pixels' dimensional non-uniformity and generates a much stronger PRNU. As a result, it's possible to match a photo to a smartphone camera using one photo instead of the 50 normally required for digital forensics. "I think most people assumed you would need 50 images to identify a smartphone camera. But our research shows that's not the case," Ren added. To prevent forgeries, Ren designed a protocol -- it is part of the authentication process described below -- which detects and stops two types of attacks. More savvy cybercriminals could potentially remove the PRNU from their device. But Ren's protocol can spot this because the QR codes include an embedded probe signal that will be weakened by the removal process. The new technology is scheduled to be presented in February at the 2018 Network and Distributed Systems Security Conference in California.
  14. They are programs that attach themselves to the computer to infect the computer and replicate themselves. Viruses are created to multiply and spread and damage infestations by working in systems. In order for viruses to be active, they have to be run by the user in some way. The "autorun" feature on the computer makes it easy for viruses to become active. Especially the files with extension exe, scr, zip, rar are more likely to contain viruses.
  15. Welcome To csbd
  16. Welcome back again :smileys-money-702364:

  17. uglyyyyyy congratsssssss :) 

    1. "HaMsIK"
    2. Sinan.47


      u deserve my boy good luck 

    3. "HaMsIK"


      thank you !!!

  18. I told u ;) congrats mate 

  19. sv is coming 89.44.246.*** :smileys-money-702364:

  20. v2 text effect
  21. Members slowly lose respect, this is a very bad thing :t10113:

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