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Rebel ;x

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Everything posted by Rebel ;x

  1. I can't understand any language see what is this the this community is worst what is this i can't understand Proof :
  2. who all can approve that club req 

    can u ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. greeNZ


      • As I said, CLUBS are a benefit forV.I.P group, and also can be used by Administrators & Global Moderators.
      • RULES of forum will be applied also in CLUBS
    3. Rebel ;x

      Rebel ;x

      mean i can make a club yes ?

    4. greeNZ


      Only Administrators can approve it

  3. Rebel ;x

    Need Help

    or fix problem go to console and write cl_timeout 999999 rate 25000 cl_port 27006 or what mr talat said do that mean ,
  4. Third Pakistani moderator 

    Congrats ,

    1. SoRrY.


      yea Right and Thanks 

    2. Rebel ;x

      Rebel ;x

      and me indian

  5. Man: I could go to the end of the world for you. 
    Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?

    Man: I offer you myself. 
    Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.

    Man: I want to share everything with you. 
    Woman: Let's start from your bank account. 


  6. Name of the oponent: @Pratik* , @Bh00Th!- , @#FLeNN. , @Rexx- Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): avatar Size:200 X 200 *Text: Ignore Watermark: CSBD Working time: 24 hrs
  7. I need to contact u 

    on fb

    no ts3 and other

    1. Mr.Love


      I dont use fb

    2. ™- HappY -™

      ™- HappY -™


      u are fb 

      my name fb 

      nick : Aashish khilare 

      ok u are fb name 

    3. PranKk.


      ™- HappY -™ 

       he Don't use FB

  8. I can't see The photo plz post it from Imgur.com Other than accept
  9. I need to talk to u skype or anything ?

  10. sorry guys my photoshop is not working so I will just put the pic of Bh00t and Shinchan
  11. back to ur old grade 


  12. Rebel ;x

    Request Fonts

    Font plz
  13. Name of the oponent: @Bh00Th!- , @SHinCHaN ♫ -™ Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Signature Size: 400X180 *Text: AK-47 Watermark: CSBD Working time: 6 hrs
  14. Mee too noob plz don't laugh on both Let's start voting V1 : V2 :
  15. Name of the oponent: @SHinCHaN ♫ -™ , Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):AVATAR Size: 200 X 200 *Text: Space Watermark: CSBD Working time: 12 hrs
  16. Refused
  17. Rebel ;x

    Need Help!!!!!

    Your Nickname: #FLeNN. Your Problem: I can't install photoshop cs6 the error is comming Screenshot:
  18. come facebook plz

  19. One day everyone need help

    today @BoRINg need help

    help him to grow his channel

    Plz  subscribe :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmLi9ub9LfoOy_LPh9TbnOQ

    and plz like the page :- https://www.facebook.com/Being.drea/notifications/

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