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Everything posted by Dark-ImmoRtal^

  1. cong

    and welcome family 

    1. King_of_lion


      hbibi ❤️


  2. cong 

    and welcome Family 

    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      thanks u alot my friend <3  

  3. you made alot of mistakes and this was your last one Removed T/C
  4. Back To Work


    1. Itz Moha

      Itz Moha

      woo ts3 we miss you♥♥♥

    2. Mr.Sebby
  5. as @Mjollniryou can connect any manger to change ur password Regards
  6. hello there your proof dont work..but if you every round will hide then you have to learn the rules and attack stop hiding and play normal there is a players that make us angry with their actions so we have to do something about it next time dont hide and go attack direct no one will slay you T/C
  7. you work hard and you did respect the time That TGF gave you So i will give you a chance to see your active as Moderators pro Good Luck
  8. Hello i think you apply in the wrong section if you want admin request you can apply here https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/120-counter-strike-16/ Regards T/C
  9. Hello Guys Since this section me and @aRbi~and @Lucille571 our responsibility so only us who can close and take the final decision any one else will will take a decision his replay well be deleted
      • 5
      • I love it
  10. well pro for me as well you deserve a shot make a good active
  11. the problem for your own internet
  12. Want To Make some Dc 

    Share this on your profile and tag your frindes


    1. Mindsphere.


      No need DC, but if you want, i can post this on my status. 😄

  13. The Best Sence 

    The Titans meeting


  14. DH2 very good sound very good music l like his music
  15. NEWLIFEZM TIME FOR GAMING ALL DAY, we wait you on the server this night! 

    Happy Hours 

    Free Mods Free Ammo 

    What are you waiting For ,,,,you will miss all the Fun 

    You are Welcome To join us 


    1. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      We will come xd 

  16. DH1 I like when he start rap at the first of the song
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