Everything posted by maykel.
New avatar by @#FIGHTER.
Thank you!
it hurts me so much to see the one I look up to , the one I dream to see him a groom, the one who is everything; a brother, a father, a friend ,,, to finally get what he always dreamt of, and I am not there to witness that, to see that smile that I love and those eyes that I worship,,, May these upcoming days be your best and may these upcoming years realize your dreams,, I wanted to be next to you as I've always been and as I'll always be, but my mind, soul and heart are with you during your special day... I love you more than words can describe
凸( •̀_•́ )凸
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)︻̷┻̿═━一-
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Bye dad ?
Pff i miss many things, but i cant play x_x