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Good forum activity, but you must also be active in TeamSpeak3, good luck #Pro
The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) disapproved the request for a perfect suspension of work presented by Cineplanet, which implies that it must pay the remuneration of all workers affected by the measure. According to a Significant Event published on the website of the Superintendence of the Securities Market (SMV), the cinema chain learned of the denial of its request on June 23. "Cineplex S.A. (Company name of the firm) has been notified of the General Director Resolution N ° 0181-2020-MTPE / 2/14, by means of which the General Directorate of Labor has resolved to disapprove the request for the perfect suspension of work presented ”, the company reported. Cineplanet announced in mid-April that it would apply the perfect suspension of work among its workers due to the impact of the state of national emergency decreed by the Government to stop the advance of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. "Cineplex S.A. will execute a program of perfect suspension of work, under the provisions of the Emergency Decree No. 038-2020 ", informed the company at the time. Two weeks earlier, the company had announced that it was readying its new protocols to re-operate, without specifying the date of its next reopening. "As soon as we have the approval of the Ministry (of Production) we will tell you all the details to give you the peace of mind and security that we will provide you with the best experience," Cineplanet said in a statement sent to its clients. The perfect suspension of work or license without the benefit of having been approved by the Executive as a last resort for companies that cannot sustain themselves due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis. The MTPE is the entity in charge of reviewing and approving requests to apply this mechanism. If the request for perfect suspension is rejected, the companies are obliged to pay the wages of each month that the workers affected by the measure did not receive a salary.
Game Informations : Developer: Ginny Woo Platforms: PC. Initial release date: October 21, 2017 at 3:36PM PDT Golf Story is zany, unexpectedly funny, and mechanically sound. Those descriptors aren't overly exciting on their own, but then again, the same could be said of what constitutes contemporary RPGs; you fetch things, hit other things, and generally do the bidding of others while your heroism goes ignored. Golf Story is essentially an RPG based on mundane, real-world concerns dialed up to the nth degree, and it's that relatability that makes it much more charming than it sounds on paper. It's a not-so-sneaky homage to titles like Mario Golf considering its central conceit: absolutely everything can be solved with a combination of golf clubs, golf balls, and dogged persistence. That's where the player-character enters--a man who's lost half his life to a soul-sucking wife and the general indifference of others--and the fun begins. This is your typical redemption story, but instead of saving the world, you're trying to simply restore order to your otherwise bleak existence in memory of your father. It's a small-scale situation, but the the stakes feel enormous. It's immediately clear that while golf is (quite literally) the name of the game, it's not the be-all and end-all of this affair. Just like any RPG, you'll encounter towns of people who need your help, which usually gets old pretty fast. However, Sidebar Games has managed to keep the pall of boredom away by injecting some local humour into the proceedings. For those lucky enough to be putting their feet up in Australia or New Zealand as they read this, good on ya. The jokes, sly nudges, and the meat pies that are prevalent throughout Golf Story are definitely charming signifiers that people Down Under will be familiar with. While you don't necessarily need to have watched Kangaroo Jack to get a laugh out of "mate" being used as an insult, those comedic touches will mean that little bit more to those already familiar with the vernacular. Every quest-giver is, in some timeline or other, a verifiable idiot. It feels just like helping out the usual flood of gormless peasants, but there's a lot more to it than bringing hungry villagers some cheese. Ever wanted to be a single mother's hero by hitting her son in the face with a golf ball? You're in luck. Ever wanted to command an entire legion of turtles who exist solely to help you get a hole-in-one? What about raising an army of the dead to defeat a grand wizard? Golf Story takes the traditional plausibility rulebook and throws it entirely out the window, and it's better for doing so. Golf is unlikely to be considered a high-adrenaline sport by the general public, but throwing in quests that are equal parts mid-life crisis and downright diabolical certainly gets you more mileage out of your drive. Speaking of driving, there's a lot of it. Most golf games make you play through courses of increasing difficulty as part of your journey to being the very best, and this is no exception. You'll spend a lot of time on the golf course, doing some combination of driving, chipping, putting, and internally screaming. It'd be a lie to say that there weren't some holes that had the potential to try the very limits of human patience, but luckily, those were generally spaced out well enough to not be a deterrent. Swings work on a three-click system: pick your club, pick your power, and pick your precision level. It's a no brainer as to what the best way to play is: toggle your precision indicator until it shows the distance pay-off that you're looking for, and make sure that you hit it. There are other factors to consider too like wind speed, slope, and roaming wildlife who will take any opportunity to get their grubby little hands on your balls. Hitting an elusive albatross (three shots under par, not the giant bird) is really only possible if you manage all the above factors successfully, but you won't be punished for muddling your way through the nine-hole courses and enjoying the scenery if that's your cup of tea. Putting seems to be an exercise in futility, since it's difficult to decipher the slope of the green, but nothing's stopping you from swapping clubs and chipping your ball straight into the hole once it's on there, so go hard or go home. If you feel like the story isn't to your liking, then Quick Play mode allows you to subject yourself to round after round of golf on your favourite course, cutting out the middleman. You can change the default conditions of various courses to make things more challenging, and the best part of it is, you can do all of this with a mate for some local friendly competition. However, there's a lot of other things to do in Golf Story, and once you master the basics of hitting a ball, you'll be free to focus on the other things that make it so charming. The game has an arsenal of gaming and pop culture references that it relies on, and recognising each is rewarding in its own way. Without giving too much away, the fact that you're tasked with solving a supernatural murder mystery in one breath and launched into a Pacman-esque gathering quest the next would keep most on their toes. It's a credit that the pacing doesn't suffer from the inclusion of these in-jokes, often taking the form of mini-games, and if you ever get sick of playing golf, you always have these side quests and bad puns to fall back on. There are some glitches and bugs that make their presence known every now and again, but encountering something of the game-breaking variety is rare. You may find yourself interacting with new areas and being stuck in a background music loop as the player character becomes unresponsive, or more interestingly, you could find yourself in the dark space between one room and the next, unable to leave until you path through the same doorway multiple times. However, Golf Story's little issues don't make it a write-off. It can take a little while for the narrative to ramp up in Golf Story and for you to feel like you've really cultivated the skills of a champion, but based on the sheer scope of what the game delivers, there's likely something for everyone to enjoy whether their shtick is mini-golfing or terrorising delinquents with frisbees. It has successfully captured the trappings of yesteryear's RPGs, and the witticisms and idiosyncrasies of the characters you encounter are a great palate cleanser between rounds. Switch has had a swathe of indies hit its eShop recently, but if you're looking for something that'll give you satisfaction in terms of an interesting story and a rewarding mechanic, then Golf Story is certainly par for the course.
good person, good activity in the forum but you must also have activity in TeamSpeak3, I'll give you my chance. From me you have #PRO
Chaos in a cream shop. This sentence could be read basically at any time of the year and would make sense. But this time it makes more sense than ever: with professional football about to return, Universitario de Deportes prepares the remainder of the season in the midst of an uncertainty that is commonplace at Ate. The reason is as simple as it is powerful: Ángel Comizzo, signed as a replacement for Gregorio Pérez, could never reach Lima. The Argentine coach, announced over the weekend as a new cream coach, is ready to take the first humanitarian flight from Buenos Aires to Lima, but has encountered a serious problem. Or with reality, depending on how you want to see it. As is known, the administration led by Carlos Moreno, who currently has the power to manage the team, according to Indecopi, is in dispute with the outgoing administration, in charge of the company Solution and Development. According to this company, which still has the keys and the documentary heritage of the club, Moreno is not empowered to sign any legal document since Indecopi has been designated as a person of risk to the financial system. Solution and Development maintains that Moreno is disabled and, therefore, there can be no transition between the two administrations. What does this have to do with Comizzo's arrival? The Argentine coach would have signed a contract that would have no legal value, as long as Moreno's disqualification is real. This is something that is being resolved in court, so until an agreement or sentence is reached, Comizzo should not be able to sign any contract with the new administration. It is also known that Solution and Development, led by Jean Ferrari in sport, trusted the project led by Gregorio Pérez, but the Moreno administration chose not to bring him back from Uruguay as a person of risk, and a few days later he named Comizzo. While the conflict between the two administrations continues, the U's professional team passed discard tests of COVID-19, as required by the FPF protocol, and is ready to return to training when the FPF itself authorizes it. The footballers passed the tests at the Palestinian Arab Club, where they would train until the situation is resolved and the new administration has the keys to the club's headquarters.
Game Informations : Developer: Jasen Kiding Platforms: PC. Initial release date: december 13, 2018 at 10:30AM PDT Dillon the Armadillo is every stoic hero of the Old West... but as an anthropomorphic armadillo. He doesn't say much because he really doesn't need to. His prowess with weapons and dedication to defending good folks just trying to make their way is essentially his whole character. And while, until now, he's been known for his forays within small downloadable games, Dead-Heat Breakers represents a big next step for the franchise. Most of the game makes the transition well, in part because the premise is played in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. Dillon's a no-nonsense guy, and seeing him surrounded by a colorful cast of goofy sapient animals works pretty well. But, after a time there's definitely the feeling that too little game is spread out over too much time. Dead-Heat Breakers grinds to a crawl at times, and while it's far from insurmountable, it's hard to shake the feeling that in this case less would have been more. While Dillon may be the game's namesake and main action hero, he's not the actual protagonist. When you start up the game, you'll have a Mii of your choice polymorphed into an Amiimal. And it's this "person" that the story centers around. In short, you've narrowly survived an attack on your home town, and you've gone to get help from the infamous "Red Flash," Dillon. On your way, your big rig is attacked by some industrial monstrosities and Dillon and his sidekick/mechanic Russ happen to be in the right place at the right time. Most of the proceedings are played for comedy, poking at the classic tropes of the western, while mixing a good bit of modern absurdity. Not too long after that encounter, for instance, Russ determines that the team needs a massive gun. And they aren't kidding. He maps it all out in his head and sets to work getting the materials to build a weapon that would put World War II-era train-mounted cannons to shame. This pair of scenes (the battle between your would-be attackers and Dillon, as well as the process for gathering materials after the fact) make up the two primary phases of play. They loosely correspond to the day and night and will follow that pattern throughout. In the prep part (daytime), you'll wander around town doing odd jobs for the people and participating in mini-games to gather up the required gear for your nightly missions. This works well for pacing at first, but you'll start to feel the drag as the cycles wear on. Daytime will put you through a few different main activities, including time-trial races and bouts against the series' most iconic foe--the stone-headed, space-faring Groks. Here you can earn money which you can then toss to Wendon for supplies, which go to Russ for assembly into the Breaker (i.e. that giant gun). These are meant to help give you some practice for the more rough-and-tumble nighttime bouts but are too dissimilar to serve as a proper warm-up, and not unique enough to feel like a good break from the main action. When that time does come, though, you and the Amiimals of your friends and other Miis on your system will assemble into a group, ready to tackle the big bad of the night. This is where the series' touted tower defense-action fusion comes in. Here, like in the opening segment, you'll command the Red Flash and have the option of hiring on the different Amiimals to play defense. Each carries a different weapon with their own attack styles and strengths. Ostensibly the daytime's mini-games are there to help acclimate you to these differences, but in practice, over the game's 15 missions, you'll know who does what pretty quickly and can make your own appropriate choices. Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers is best enjoyed in spurts. Powering through the game quickly reveals its many weaknesses (the toll on your hands, and the repetitiveness of the combat and day-night cycle being chief among them), but no part of the adventure is bad, really; it simply wears thin. Once you've made your choices, you're off to the fight. Your job as Dillon is to keep the pressure off the Amiimals. Using a powerful accelerator as well as Dillon's natural claws and thick hide, you can slam and slash your foes while zooming about the map. On the bottom screen, you'll be able to see a breakdown of the map, the attack range of your team, and which places need your help. Recruiting more teammates helps take the pressure off you but depletes your coffers and therefore cuts your strategic options for later down quite a bit. Therein lies the big question for how to allocate resources. Dillon himself can be great fun to play, but the controls are perplexing. Most everything is handled with the joystick and the A button; attacks are somewhat contextual but rely on holding the button down, releasing before pressing, and holding or tapping quickly to different moves. This isn't ideal as it can be occasionally easy to accidentally dash instead of landing an attack, and the constant strain on your thumb during combat sections would have been reduced if you simply used another button or trigger when your attack was ready. Many of these sequences devolve into high-speed chases where you'll have to clear out every foe during their final assault. There's an excellent bit of white-knuckled tension as you rush from enemy to enemy, spinning up, bashing them, and slashing to bits. Combined with some smart visuals and a great system for snapping you to baddies so you don't inadvertently overshoot them makes these segments a great bit of intense fun--even if they leave your thumbs sore. Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers is best enjoyed in spurts. Powering through the game quickly reveals its many weaknesses (the toll on your hands, and the repetitiveness of the combat and day-night cycle being chief among them), but no part of the adventure is bad, really; it simply wears thin. It's a competent, fun little outing that's almost perfectly suited for kids who need something silly and ridiculous that won't require too much thought or technical mastery. Leave Blank System requirements: PC - playstation Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8
Free YouTube downloaders make it easy to save videos from YouTube in a format of your choice, so we've rounded up the very best in one convenient place. The best free YouTube downloader is 4K Video Downloader – a free program that puts many paid-for tools to shame. It has no ads, saves videos in the format of your choice, and won't place watermarks on your downloaded clips. You can even use it to extract the audio from a video, or download an entire playlist. However, there are occasions when you don't need quite that much power, so we've also ranked a range of other free YouTube downloaders that cater to more basic requirements, such as when you simply want to grab one video in a hurry. Free YouTube downloaders are always changing, but we upgrade this guide frequently so you can be sure that you're always getting up to date advice. If you're specifically interested in saving music from YouTube, you might want to check out our guide to the best free YouTube to MP3 converters as well. We've rounded up the best free YouTube video converters if you want to play videos offline on a different device, like a phone or tablet, plus the best free video editors for clipping and cropping your saved videos. If you want more detailed instructions, check out our full guide: how to download YouTube videos for free. Online YouTube downloaders vs desktop software There are many sites that you can use to download YouTube videos, but we don't recommend them due to their disadvantages over desktop software. First of all, they're slower due to the limitations of the remote server and your data connection. Many such sites also feature ads of a NSFW variety, or display thumbnails of recently downloaded videos, which may not be appropriate. Online video converters typically don't give you much (if any) choice about the video file either, in terms of quality or expert format. They only allow you to download a single video at a time, and you can forget about saving whole playlists. 3D and 360-degree videos are also out of the question, and very few can handle 4K. Is downloading YouTube videos legal? Before you use a free YouTube downloader, bear in mind that using third-party apps to download videos is against YouTube's terms of service, which say you can only stream videos directly from its servers. Downloading videos is also a potential copyright infringement unless you own the video yourself, have permission from the copyright holder, or it's in the public domain. Running a very close second, WinX YouTube Downloader can download videos from all the most po[CENSORED]r sites, including Facebook, Vimeo and DailyMotion. It's very easy to use. Just paste in a URL, select an output format and quality setting, and it will be added to the current batch. Once you've added all the videos you want to download, simply click the 'Download' button and they'll all be processed at once, and saved to the destination folder of your choice. WinX YouTube Downloader can download 4K video when available, and only loses out to 4K Video Downloader because it's unable to download 3D and 360-degree videos. If this isn't a problem for you, this free YouTube downloader comes highly recommended.
If you think air cooling is dead, think again. Raijintek (via @FanlessTech) has unleashed the high-end Morpheus 8057 cooler that's been tailored for the latest AMD Navi and Nvidia Turing graphics cards. On AMD's end, the Morpheus 8057 is compatible with the Radeon RX 5600, RX 5700 and their corresponding XT variants. The list of supported Nvidia graphics cards is a bit more extensive though. The Morpheus 8057 can be used with the GeForce RTX 2060, RTX 2070, RTX 2080, RTX 2080 Ti as well as the Super variants for the first three models. Aesthetically, the Morpheus 8057 comes with a nice, black coating that should blend into the majority of PC builds. Its brobdingnagian design, which according to Raijintek, allows the cooler to handle graphics cards up to 360W of TDP. The Morpheus 8057 measures 254 x 100 x 44mm and weighs up to 515g without any fans installed. The copper baseplate, which flaunts a mirror finish, is connected to the giant heatsink via 12 copper heat pipes that are 6mm in diameter. The heatsink itself is comprised of a stack of 129 aluminium alloy fins. The heat pipes pass through each of the fins to maximize heat dissipation. Unfortunately, the Morpheus 8057's design prohibits its from cooling the graphics card's memory chips or power delivery subsystem. However, Raijintek bundles three copper and eight aluminium heatsinks for the memory chips. The cooling fans aren't included either so you'll have to shell out extra cash for them. Raijintek does provide eight fan clips, four for fans with a 25mm thickness and four for ones with a 13mm thickness. Raijintek didn't reveal the pricing or availability for the Morpheus 8057.
As of June 22, the shopping malls reopen their doors within the framework of the economic recovery plan promoted by the Government. Since June 22, shopping malls reopen their doors. After several months closed due to the measures imposed by the Government to avoid aggravating the coronavirus crisis in Peru, they receive visitors again. It is important to note that it is a very important point of contagion as most of the covered areas are attended by a large number of people. For this reason, regulations have been imposed with which to try to avoid contagion as much as possible. It should be noted that not only shopping centers have opened today. Other stores, such as conglomerates, department stores and hairdressers, have also done so. All within the framework of the economic recovery plan promoted by the Government. What shopping malls and stores have opened? Almost twenty shopping centers reopen their doors today. Next, we make a list of them: Real Plaza: Salaverry, Primavera, Santa Clara, Huancayo and Cajamarca. Mall Plaza: Santa Anita, Bellavista, Arequipa and Trujillo. La Rambla: San Borja and Breña. Parque Arauco: Megaplaza, Larcomar, El Quinde, Inoutlet and Vía Mix. Department stores: Paris, Ripley and Oechsle
Game Informations : Developer: Heidi Kemps Platforms: Playstation. Initial release date: April 10, 2019 at 11:34AM PDT You certainly can't say that Zanki Zero: Last Beginning is not unique. How many other games out there are first-person, real-time, tile-based roguelike horror dungeon crawls featuring in-depth survival mechanics, ensemble character drama, and a post-apocalyptic sci-fi story about clones and the last remnants of humanity? I definitely can't think of any. But unique doesn't always equal good, and in the case of Zanki Zero, its interesting, genre-melding concepts wind up a bit hobbled by some not-so-great execution. Zanki Zero begins as a rogue's gallery of eight characters find themselves on a strange tropical island with only a few rundown facilities. They all have no idea why they're here, how they got there, or what connection they all have. But things soon take a turn for the even weirder: TVs across the island start playing a bizarre educational cartoon at set intervals, explaining that the eight are the last remnants of humanity and must work together to survive and build a new future for the human race. Oh, and they're all actually clones, experience rapid aging, and die after 13 days of life--assuming nothing else kills them first. But it's okay, because one of the few functioning things on the island is an Extend machine that can clone them after they die, effectively meaning they can live and die forever. And die they will, because survival in this dilapidated paradise is no picnic. When you begin the game, you barely have any functional facilities to do things like cook and sleep, and you need to collect material in order to build them. Not only that, but you need to effectively micromanage the health of every character. On top of a typical health meter, they also have a stamina meter (which drains from merely existing and goes down faster when doing strenuous activities or carrying lots of items), a stress meter, and even a bladder meter. Letting one element get out of control can have cascading effects; if a character can't hold it anymore and wets themselves, they become embarrassed and stressed, which makes fighting enemies tougher, which leads to more rapid stamina loss for them and their teammates, which leads to health loss, which leads to death. Scavenging and using food and relief items and facilities like toilets helps, but carrying too much leaves a character overburdened and unable to move, and as time passes, characters age, and the amount they can carry changes. If that all sounds like a lot to take in, that's because it really is. The heavy survival elements of Zanki Zero get dumped on you quite early in the game, and with little in the way of resources and experience, managing everything can get extremely rough. And that's all before you factor in exploration and combat. The game offers multiple difficulty levels (that can be changed mid-game to your liking) to help offset this, but it's still pretty rough waters in the early game as you try to come to grips with how much you need to micromanage. While there are some tutorials, they are inadequate, amounting to info-dumps that are tough to take in when you're already struggling with juggling everything else. Once you finally have all of the island's facilities built and can stock a small safety net of resources, the constant micromanagement becomes far less daunting and even quite enjoyable as you watch your ragtag bunch grow from helpless castaways to capable survivors. All those important survival elements aren't even the core focus of the game, either--it's also a first-person, real-time dungeon crawler. At the behest of the mysterious TV characters, the cast explores urban ruins that drift to the shores of the island to find new parts for their Extend machine and finally remove the fatal rapid-aging flaw from their cloned selves. Each of the ruins is tied to one or more of the cast members' lives, and you'll see glimpses of traumatic events from their pasts in each one that reveals more about who they are and, perhaps, why they are here. The unfolding story and revelations throughout the varied environments push you to move forward and discover the secrets of the characters' hellish situation. You won't get more story without a struggle, however; the ruins are laden with hazards like mutated animals and trap switches. If the challenge of basic survival and rapid old age doesn't kill you, the threats in the ruins certainly will. But character death can have its advantages. Sure, you have to drag them back to the Extend machine and spend your limited stash of “points” earned from dungeon exploration to revive them in a child body. But when you revive them, you can also give them a bonus called "Shigabane:": based on their life experiences and how they died, they get advantages in their new clone form. For example, dying at middle age from being gored by a giant boar while poisoned will result in the revived clone taking reduced damage from boars, getting poison resistance, and adding an extra day to their lifespan at middle age. It's a great system that doesn't remove all of the sting from death but still leaves you feeling like you're making progress through your efforts. Unfortunately, Zanki Zero's combat is easily the worst element of the game. It attempts to marry turn-based, tile-hopping roguelike combat with real-time elements like charge attacks, group combos, and attack cooldowns, but it winds up constantly feeling sluggish and unresponsive. Worse, there's not much in the way of strategy in most of the fights; you usually want to maneuver behind or to the side of an enemy while charging attacks, whacking them when opportunity strikes, then scurry away to avoid retaliation, charge again, and repeat. (Or, if you have a ranged weapon, you plink away with that.) An additional element where you use an aiming reticle to target specific body parts of an enemy just makes things messier, as you have to spend valuable time fidgeting with awkward aiming controls. It's the same reticle you use to examine things in the environment, so if your reticle isn't in the right place (say, you just examined something else not long ago), your attacks can simply miss entirely. It's a shame that combat's such a weird-feeling mess, because it drags down the fun of exploring these urban ruins, finding interesting items and bits left behind, and learning about the characters and the world. Uniqueness is one of Zanki Zero's biggest selling points, but its myriad ambitions and ideas aren't enough to obscure the elements that don't work as well. While the novelty of the game, its interesting story, and engaging exploration do a lot to carry it, it falters in some crucial spots that drag down the whole. System Requirements OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit. Processor: Intel Core i3-4170 @ 3.70GHz. Memory: 4 GB RAM. Graphics: NVIDIA@ GeForce@ GTX 460 or better
Music Contest #2 Edition , i know you regret missing the first one don't miss the 2nd ?
more information, talk to me privately?
Apple's annual developer's conference, WWDC, is just weeks away, which means we may soon find out what new features Apple has in store for the iPhone with iOS 14. But in the meantime there are plenty of rumors to unpack about what we can expect. Apple is said to be focusing heavily on bringing more stability to the iPhone with iOS14 and smoothing out some of the issues people experienced in iOS 13. Over the past few months, a number of Apple rumor sites have reported getting their hands on early test versions of iOS 14 with details about everything from interface changes to new apps. And while we can't know for certain whether or not these leaks are the real deal, or whether the changes listed will even make it to the final build of iOS 14, there's plenty to be excited about. Launch date If all goes according to plan, which so far it has not, Apple will introduce iOS 14 at WWDC 2020, which starts on June 22. This year the conference will be held virtually, but we're still expecting it to be announced at the keynote that usually kicks off the event, alongside all the other major software update announcements.
Earlier this year, the Raspberry Pi Foundation hooked up with Igalia to start development on an open-sourced Vulkan graphics driver for the Raspberry Pi. However, Martin Thomas, an engineer at Nvidia, beat them to the punch. Thomas announced yesterday via his personal Twitter that his RPi-VK-Driver is ready for primetime. The talented engineer had been working on the Vulkan driver in his spare time for more than two years. Technically, Thomas' iteration isn't a Vulkan driver per se because it doesn't comply with the official standards established by The Khronos Group. Nonetheless, the resourceful developer produced a driver that adheres to the Vulkan parameters as much as possible, and as close as the hardware would permit it. There's just one limitation with the RPi-VK-Driver though. Unlike the official Vulkan driver that's still in the works, Thomas' version is only compatible with the Broadcom VideoCore IV GPU that's found inside the Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 and Zero devices. Thomas showed off the power of his RPi-VK-Driver with a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and Quake III Arena. The Broadcom VideoCore IV GPU, which is clocked at 250 MHz, runs the title at over 100 FPS on the 1,280 x 720 resolution. Thomas estimated that the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B will likely deliver around 70 FPS at a 1,920 x 1,080 resolution due to the hardware limitation. In comparison to the OpenGL drivers, Thomas affirms that his RPi-VK-Driver offers improved memory management, and it's better at handling multi-threaded command submissions. The driver's other attributes include MSAA (multisample anti-aliasing) support, low level assembly shaders and performance counters.
Peru was in 'schock' when the news broke that an evangelical group had vaccinated more than 5,000 inhabitants of the Loreto region to cure the coronavirus. They had been injected with ivermectin, a deworming vaccine created for animals. Some of those vaccinated claim that the side effects have been appalling. According to local radio reports, the mayor of Loreto, Giampaolo has been promoting this initiative since May. In addition, some of the pastors of the evangelical group have linked the appearance of the coronavirus with the devil and the end of the world, and offered the vaccine as "a salvation". Faced with the threat, last week the Ministry of Health had to alert the po[CENSORED]tion not to inject ivermectin, and had to clarify that the products for animals "do not meet the same requirements as drugs for humans." Loreto is an Amazon region in which the majority of the po[CENSORED]tion lives in conditions of poverty, many of them indigenous. Many people do not have studies or, even in some areas, cannot read or write. The coronavirus has especially affected these places with few resources.
Game Informations : Developer: Justin Clark Platforms: PC Initial release date: December 29, 2017 at 12:16PM PST With no sign of Nintendo's Advance Wars strategy series returning any time soon, a game that attempts to fill the void like Tiny Metal is easy to get excited about. Thankfully, developer Area 35 has delivered a game that captures the spirit of the works that inspired it, and one that feels right at home on PC and on the go with Switch. By and large, this is simply a game where adorably rendered soldiers with little armored vehicles take turns moving across a gridded map to fight their enemies one turn at a time. A unit represents a small squad, and when two units meet, the squads exchange blows while you pray some of your soldiers and vehicles survive the shootout. Though Tiny Metal props up dire circumstances as the backbone of its campaign, it's also a game with a shady arms dealer dressed as a circus clown, so you know it doesn't take itself too seriously at all times. Average soldiers are expressively animated, and every unit type has their own personality, accent, and enthusiasm for destruction. This silliness is at odds with the dialogue-heavy and po-faced cutscenes, yes, but it also grows into the defining attitude of the game as you become more entrenched in combat. That said, don't feel too bad for turning off the in-battle emotes, which quickly grow repetitive. You're given plenty of options to consider during combat, with a range of ground troops and military vehicles that grows steadily from the start, each offering distinct capabilities. Average, run-of-the-mill riflemen can only survive encounters with similar troops, but they're also the best at capturing city buildings and military facilities in pursuit of resources. A squad of rocket-launcher-equipped Lancers can't travel very far per turn, or capture as quickly as infantry soldiers, but they're the only units on foot that can put a dent in armored machines, known as Metals. Metals are probably the most all-around useful unit to place on the board, but they're not as mobile as some of the recon vehicles that help unveil the fog of war, like Scouts, Radar units, or Fighter jets. Most of this should be familiar to anyone who's put more than a few rounds into an Advance Wars game, but Tiny Metal also has some new tricks up its sleeve to keep battles interesting for veterans. Focus Fire is a maneuver that allows multiple units to combo attack a single target. The benefits are twofold: the enemy can only retaliate against one unit per attack, and your combined attack gives you a better chance of wiping the target out before they get the chance to fire back at all. The riskier move, Assault, allows you push enemies off of a specific square, but at the cost of the enemy being able to fire first. Tiny Metal also has a Hero unit system where a super-powerful version of a specific unit type can be summoned to wreak havoc, but only once per match. These tactical considerations keep matches lively and unpredictable, and help distinguish Tiny Metal from being a mere Advance Wars copycat. Following the tutorial battles at the start, the difficulty gradually increases as tactical options grow more diverse, with new units and commands appearing at a steady rate throughout the six-hour campaign. With multiplayer on hold until next year, one-off skirmishes are the current best way to keep playing after the credits roll, though they take some getting used to. Skirmish mode offers over 50 challenging battles, often in either inordinately small playing fields, groupings of rough terrain, or situations where you are grossly outnumbered and outgunned by the enemy. These fights will definitely keep you busy, but the jump in difficulty from the last mission of the campaign to even just the first few skirmishes is a big one that's initially off-putting. The PC version of Tiny Metal is notably better looking and allows you to use a mouse, but fans of Advance Wars will find that playing on the go with Switch completes the nostalgic experience. The only major flaws in portable mode are the tiny fonts used in some menus, and a marked decrease in resolution when the camera zooms in to watch two units attack each other. The PC version gets more graphical options, and an unlocked framerate, but Tiny Metal's throwback action feels at home on Nintendo's portable. Newcomers to the turn-based strategy genre are likely to have a blast with Tiny Metal all the way through its campaign, though the endgame is no doubt a little restrictive. Old hands to this type of strategy game will find a campaign that wears its influences on its sleeve, but still admirably and respectfully fits right in with them. It’s the kind of game where you jump in just to take two or three more turns and suddenly an hour has passed, and you can’t rest until that pesky enemy gunship or tank fleet is down for good. Hopefully that can continue next year if the multiplayer patch comes as promised. System Requirements OS: Windows 7 32-bit or newer. Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.80 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3.10 GHz. Memory: 3 GB RAM. Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 with 1GB VRAM. Storage: 2 GB available space. Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card.
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Más tarde me conecto al ts3, quiero hablar contigo y con la mascota de @YaKuZa--BoSs :v oki?