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Stendhal 𐌕

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Everything posted by Stendhal 𐌕

  1. Salut ! 

    Medalia aia ce mai zice ? ?

    1. REVAN


      ce medalie?

    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Aia de Gamblers... am facut cerere si ai zis ca trebuia sa vorbesc cu tine...

  2. O femeie din Madrid, Spania, a stârnit un val de critici după ce a publicat în mediul online o înregistrare în care se vede cum îi dă să fumeze băiețelului ei de doar 11 ani. Potrivit cotidianului El Espanol, în imagini se observă cum femeia îi pune în gură băiețelului ei o țigară aprinsă, după care începe să râdă. Copilul vrea chiar să țină el țigara, moment în care se aude vocea unui bărbat, care-l avertizează că se poate arde. Imediat copilul începe să plângă. După publicarea înregistrăîrii, femeia a primit un val de critici din partea internauților. În urma comentariilor dure pe care le-a primit, femeia a transmis un mesaj prin care recunoaște că a greșit atunci când l-a pus pe fiul ei să fumeze. Ea a explicat că i-a dat să fumeze copilului pentru că dacă acesta îl vede pe tatăl său cu țigara cere și el, ca și cum ar fi ceva de mâncare.
  3. Hello !

    Tomorrow will be the Champions League Final (Tottenham - Liverpool).

    Guess who will win and win points -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/bettingshop/

    Good luck !

  4. New matches was added in the Casino ! https://csblackdevil.com/forums/bettingshop/

    Go and win points ! 

    Good luck ! ✌

    1. [X]pErT-


      My All Points Is Finished I Hope I Win

    2. [X]pErT-


      LoL I lost My all Point And Bets

  5. Moscow has been told by a maritime tribunal it must release 24 sailors that were aboard vessels it intercepted in the Kerch Strait in November 2018. The Russian navy captured the sailors and their three vessels after opening fire on them in the strait, located between Russian-annexed Crimea and southern Russia. The Hamburg-based International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) said Russia must release the seamen immediately and that both countries should refrain from doing anything to aggravate relations. "The Tribunal notes that any action affecting the immunity of warships is capable of causing serious harm to the dignity and sovereignty of a state and has the potential to undermine its national security," said Jin-Hyun Paik, ITLOS President. Moscow has not heeded calls from Ukraine, the European Union nor the USA to return the sailors and impounded ships. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that ITLOS lacked the jurisdiction to rule on the matter. Both Russia and Ukraine have the right to use the Sea of Azov, which connects them and is linked by the Kerch Strait to the Black Sea, but tensions have been high since Russia annexed Crimea. The two countries have protested over delays to shipping and harassment. Russia's FSB security service said it had been forced to act in November when the Ukrainian vessels illegally entered its waters. Ukraine's deputy foreign minister, Olena Zerkal, wrote in a post on Facebook, that the Tribunal's order sent "a clear signal to Russia that it cannot violate international law with impunity," adding she expected Moscow to act quickly in line with the order. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and has said it will never give the area back to Ukraine, accusing Kyiv of staging a provocation in the Kerch Strait.
  6. Valencia are Copa del Rey champions for the eighth time thanks to a thrilling 2-1 victory over Barcelona in the 2018-19 Copa Final on Saturday night at the Benito Villamarin Stadium in Sevilla.


  7. New matches for tomorrow was added in the CASINO !

    Check -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/bettingshop/#

  8. New matches was added in the CASINO !

    Check -> https://csblackdevil.com/forums/bettingshop/#

  9. Salut ! ?

    Ce zici ? ??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Bine si eu , multumesc ?

      Poate facem un cs pe seară ! ?

    3. kenveloo-


      Sunt plecat dar maine sunt acasa toata ziua ? 

    4. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕


      Ne auzim  ! ??

  10. Bayern Munich Champions Bundesliga 2018-2019!

    Ribery and Robben retired from Bayern team.

  11. New football matches was added https://csblackdevil.com/forums/bettingshop/

    1. Lunix I

      Lunix I

      In psg match Odds is very low 1.2 is nothing ?

    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Yes, but i don t make that match, sorry.

  12. Hello ! ?

    I m glad you are back ! ✌

    1. MEMATİ


      yes and thx .-. 

  13. Feelings ?


  14. Who was online  320 Users were Online in the last 24 hours



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