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Everything posted by wIckeD™

  1. Good luck in u'r life My friend you was real Manager For newlifeZM Wish you all best
  2. ya a5e shof had video momken tsa3dek : [Directory to find missing config.cfg and video.txt] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[Random Number]\730\local\cfg [Directory to find csgo.exe and to find cfg folder to see if your config.cgf or video.txt are missing!] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive Set Launch Options [Must Seperate with a space if using both!]: -novid cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 p.S : ya a5e hadone ra7 te7tajhone ma3a video
  3. Connect [NewLifeZM] 

    Admin / Tag Free 

  4. Player unbanned Be more Carful when you use this Acces ..
  5. No  More spam  Messages  About acces Admin ! we dont give Free Admin Direct ... who want acces Admin must Make Request ( have 60 hours + daily actif ).

    no need  Make Fake Account Old admin ! so create New Name And play hours necessary For Admin 

    Good luck 


    1. CSBD Member 1

      CSBD Member 1

      Give Me Admins Please :( NeCro

    2. Geany


      Wtf?!, you no see  what necro say up?   who want acces Admin must Make Request ( have 60 hours + daily actif ).

    3. CSBD Member 1
  6. wIckeD™

    Need Help !

    ty man now work Good ! Close Topic
  7. wIckeD™

    Need Help !

    Hello when i start the Game that it work good but when i start like Match i see all black like this at begin but no lag ( picture below ) : any solution ?
  8. Mbrouk a sat 

    Rak 5dam :))

    1. DeaGLe^


      lay7fdek a khoya ali .. ;)


  9. I support our brothers From A To Z these words it's not enought because just God know what's happen in palestine I trust my god someday this war will be over ! soon
  10.  It's Never Too Late To do The right thing 

  11. ليلة القدر (this days very special for all muslims) للّهم ارزقنا عملاً صالحاً يُقرّبنا إلى رحمتك، ولساناً ذاكراً شاكراً لنعمتك، وثبتنا اللّهم بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة، إلهي ربح الصائمون، وفاز القائمون، ونجا المخلصون، ونحن عـبيدك المذنبون، فارحمنا برحمتك، وجُدْ علينا بفضلك ومِنَّتك، واغفر لنا أجمعين برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين، وصلّ الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم اللهم اختم لنا شهر رمضان برضوانك، وأجرنا فيه من عقوبتك ونيرانك، وجُدْ علينا بفضلك ورحمتك ومغفرتك وامتنانك، وهب لنا ما وهبته لأوليائك، واجعلنا ممّن وفرت له أقسامه فأسعدته بطاعتك فاستعد لما أمامه، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين! اللهم اجعلنا عند ختمه من الفائزين، وعند الثّواب من الحائزين، وعند النّعماء من الشّاكرين، وعند البلاء من الصّابرين، ولا تجعلنا ممّن استهوته الشّياطين فقذفته في الجحيم، برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين أتمنى من الله أن يتقبل من صيامنا و صلاتنا و اللهم أنصر إخواننا المسلمين
  12. rey come to server 

  13. this is the first time i see all girls and boys fight vs army isreil i hope really god Stop this war i know that day will come soon incha allah watch this video just 1 boy from palestine = 20 miltary isreil . Really they are brave . that show the power of islam . allah ma3akom ya i5wana palestine .
  14. we are always friend but still u dont understand me  any dont think i will hate u or something like that  u show just u love server i appreci...this Good  Job my friend but if u dont know something u have jsut to ask other staff to take ur final decision 


    1. -Valak-The Demon

      -Valak-The Demon

      From here on out, I will be okay man with everyone and I am very sorry for what you did your shame that you brought Please forgive me and I beg you to the meeting, and I hope I have benefited you and I and Ben hello friends again and forever


      Have nice day!!


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