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Afrodita. last won the day on November 8 2019

Afrodita. had the most liked content!

About Afrodita.

  • Birthday 11/11/1998


  • Legend / Dark Game / Try to win me / I am the best


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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    I´m only interested in myself.
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Afrodita.'s Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

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  1. ¤ Nombre : Afrodita. ¤ Edad : 22 ¤ Tag deseado : 666. ¤ Enlace de su última solicitud : Hi! It is actually my first request, I would like to come back and having a tag would be good 🙂 ¤ Enlace de horas jugadas (mínimo 10 horas) ( CLICK ) : https://www.gametracker.com/player/Afrodita./NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/
  2. Today I got up so pretty, and I just wanna tell you that no matters how pretty you are, you never will be as pretty as me.

    chris farley hair GIF

    1. Russ ;x

      Russ ;x

      Are you gay? 

    2. Sinan.47


      ?? feoooo big gay 

    3. Nyx.


      afrodita bad girl

  3. i am waiting you to make a visit in ts3 and welcome back brother

    happy george costanza GIF

  4. 1 of the most cool decent person i met in Forum 


    1. Russ ;x
    2. R e i

      R e i

      you forget me or...

      scared oh no GIF by Boomerang Official

    3. Nyx.


      ahhahaha dont touch her guys

  5. Look who's here ? 

    Are u still alive? xd

    1. Afrodita.


      I am always alive

      like a boss flirting GIF

  6. At the end of the day you are Administrator. More than great!

    Computer Reaction GIF

  7. Notifications



    1. R e i

      R e i

      welcome back brother.

      you're welcome love GIF

    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Missed your Buddy ? 

  8. bro soy SoN! te acuerdas ayudame soy nuebo


  9. You can be in CSBD, but if you are not my friend, you are nothing, listen to me. NOTHING.

    say what excuse me GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nexy


      Thanks god I'm your friend otherwise i would be nothing 

    3. YaKoMoS


      I'm already your friend,so i'm not nothing Merry Christmas GIF by Bill Greenhead

    4. R e i

      R e i

      i am your friend and i am not nothing.

      GIF by NBA

  10. Congrats for Downgrade and congrats for Journalist

    1. Afrodita.


      If you could know that it was my decision, nobody downgraded me, I asked for my own remove. I feel a little of cringe with you

    2. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
  11. wtf

    Can anyone explain me? ._.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Afrodita.


      Ya me lo arreglaron xd

    3. [N]audy


      Doname a ver 

    4. Nyx.


      dude how many anti-virus's u have ?

  12. Do you want 5k points?

    Go ahead, try and good luck! 

  13. Thank you so much for everything guys, I will miss you all! 

    I will donate some points to all the community, so stay checking.

    Bye, bye! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Akrapovic


      te entiendo, esto ya esta muriendo igualmente xd

    3. Afrodita.


      Ojalá no sea así, le tengo cariño a esto

    4. [N]audy


      que sad que te retires :'''c

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