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Everything posted by #SMOKE

  1. It's good to be back :') .

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IceT


      Welcome back dude 

    3. Dev-☠


      welcome mate ❤️ 

    4. Viceroy




  2. Happy birthday , wish u best of luck .
  3. i will remember u always , but clear ur inbox can't send u any message's .

    1. bloodychuck.


      We miss u scare :ac:

  4. Time to change !


    1. Mr.^_BKR_^


      so Nice Smoke 

    2. !laZa RoV

      !laZa RoV

      :D i like it :D 

    3. IceT


      Better don't change :party0030:

  5. congratulations welcome to the team . 

    ps: awesome prof song :) .

  6. u will still our evil trio leader , we will miss u . 

    i wish u could back as fast as possible !!! 

    wish u best of luck success , happy and peaceful life brother .

    take care , and we will always stay on touch .

    1. bloodychuck.


      We miss you so much bro, good luck in your life :/ 

  7. I need ur loooooooveeeeeee  .

    I need u by my side !!!!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wanted :x

      Wanted :x

      im here smoky :* 

    3. bloodychuck.


      Smoke kiss your husband <3 

    4. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.


      congra dude , i know im late , but congra , brohh , cya next time :D

  8. Happy birthday i wish u life full of success and happiness .
  9. YouTube has cut some business ties with Logan Paul, the hugely po[CENSORED]r vlogger who posted a video showing the body of an apparent suicide victim in Japan. Paul's channels were removed from YouTube's Google Preferred programme, where brands sell ads on the platform's top 5% of content creators. YouTube also said it had put on hold original projects with the US vlogger. Paul posted the video with a man's body on 31 December, triggering widespread criticism. What is YouTube punishing Logan Paul for? The video showed Paul and his friends at the Aokigahara forest at the base of Mount Fuji, known to be a frequent site of suicides. Going in to film the "haunted" forest, they come across a man's body and are shocked but also make jokes. The identity of the deceased man is not known. Online comments have called the Japan video, which garnered millions of views on YouTube before it was taken down, "disrespectful" and "disgusting". Paul later posted an apology on Twitter, saying he had been "misguided by shock and awe". He also uploaded a video apology, and said: "I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through." "I'm ashamed of myself," he added. "I'm disappointed in myself." How much is this likely to cost Paul? It's hard to calculate exactly. YouTube's move will cost him financially as his videos will no longer earn top-tier cash per click - but as he hasn't been completely kicked off the platform, he will still earn money from views. Google Preferred allows brands to publish ads on the accounts that are most po[CENSORED]r among 18-34 year-olds in the US. YouTube's own wording calls it a way for companies to "share their messages alongside some of the most engaging and brand safe content on YouTube". Aside from his videos, Paul makes money from sponsored social media posts and merchandise - and it's worth noting that his apology video has racked up nearly 40 million views. How big a star is Logan Paul? With more than 15 million subscribers and counting, he's huge. Last year, Forbes magazine estimated he made $12.5m (£9.3m), making him the fourth highest-paid YouTube star in 2016. Why are people upset with YouTube? Some people are frustrated that it took YouTube 10 days to respond to the controversy. The company acknowledged this, saying: "You're right to be [frustrated]. You deserve to know what's going on." The Japan video itself was not taken down by YouTube; Paul himself took it down, leading some to complain that the platform should have acted more decisively. What is Aokigahara forest? Japan has one of the highest rates of suicide in the developed world. Aokigahara forest has a reputation in Japan and internationally as a destination for people who want to kill themselves. Data on the number of suicides there each year is not made public, to avoid publicising the site. Signs are posted in the forest urging people to seek medical help rather than take their lives.
  10. European powers have urged the US not to abandon the 2015 agreement with Iran that limits its nuclear programme, saying it is making the world safer. After meeting his Iranian, French, German and EU counterparts in Brussels, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson insisted the deal was preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He also challenged Washington to come up with a better alternative. US President Donald Trump wants to amend the deal or withdraw from it. In October, he refused to recertify for Congress that Iran was complying, accusing it of "not living up to the spirit" of the agreement. Why does Europe back the deal? At a news conference after meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday, representatives of the EU, the UK, France and Germany reiterated their support for the nuclear deal they helped negotiate. "The deal is working; it is delivering on its main goal, which means keeping the Iranian nuclear programme in check and under close surveillance," EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said. "The unity of the international community is essential to preserve a deal that is working, that is making the world safer and that is preventing a potential nuclear arms race in the region. And we expect all parties to continue to fully implement this agreement." Javad zerif said Strong consensus in Brussels today: 1)Iran is complying with #JCPOA, 2)Iranian people have every right to all its dividends, 3)any move that undermines JCPOA is unacceptable. E3 and EU fully aware that Iran’s continued compliance conditioned on full compliance by the US. Mr Johnson described the deal, which is known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as a "considerable diplomatic accomplishment". "I don't think that anybody has produced a better alternative to the JCPOA as a way of preventing the Iranians from going ahead with the acquisition of a military nuclear capability," he said. "It is incumbent on those who oppose the JCPOA to come up with that better solution, because we have not seen it so far." Iran's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that if the US withdrew from the agreement, it was ready to give an "appropriate and heavy response". What does Mr Trump want to change? The US president declared in October that the agreement was "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into", and warned that within a few years Iran would be able to "sprint towards a rapid nuclear weapons breakout". He accused Iran of committing "multiple violations" and promised to work with Congress to "address the deal's many serious flaws". Mr Trump said they included the deal's "sunset clauses", one of which allows for the lifting of restrictions on Iran's uranium enrichment programme after 2025. He also wants to give the International Atomic Energy Agency access to Iranian military sites, and for the deal to cover Iran's ballistic missile programme. Critics of the deal in Congress have also proposed amending legislation to ensure that US sanctions would "snap back" automatically if Iran carried out certain actions. On Friday, Mr Trump is set to decide whether to extend relief for Iran from some US economic sanctions. The sanctions, which were suspended in 2016, had cut Iran's central bank out of the international financial system and imposed penalties for buying Iranian oil. US officials told the Associated Press on Wednesday that Mr Trump was expected to extend the sanctions relief for another 120 days. But they said he might also impose new, targeted sanctions on Iranian businesses and people allegedly involved in missile tests, supporting terrorism, and human rights abuses. Why is Iran's missile programme controversial? The US and EU say Iranian ballistic missile tests conducted in the past year have violated UN Security Council resolution 2231, which endorsed the nuclear deal. The resolution calls upon Iran not to "undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology". Iran says the missiles it has tested are not designed to carry nuclear warheads and insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful. The European ministers expressed serious concern about Iran's ballistic missile programme, as well as its alleged transfer of missiles and assistance to non-state entities in the Middle East. But they said the issue should be kept separate from the nuclear deal.
  11. Hello as i can understand from ur screen shot ur api file can't be found . So delete ur current ts3 then redownload it again and make sure u download the right version of bits 64 or 32 . How to know that : Go to start button then search ---> system ---> system type ---> u will see 64 or 32 bit operation system . Reply here if its doesn't work .
  12. Russian forces have foiled a drone attack on an airbase in Syria just days after reports that rebel shelling had damaged several planes, activists say. The attempt to bomb the Hmeimim base near the north-western city of Latakia on Saturday was thwarted when unmanned aircraft were shot down, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports. Two Russian servicemen were killed when the base was attacked on 31 December. The coastal Hmeimim airbase is at the core of Russia's war effort in Syria. On Saturday the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based monitoring group, said the base was targeted by drones belonging to an "Islamist faction" operating in the area, citing sources. No casualties or details of damage to the airbase have yet been reported, the SOHR added. The drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), used in the attempted attack were basic in design, Russian news site Lenta reports. The UAVs featured an engine taped to a wooden frame, which carried two "home-made mines", it added. Russia has not yet commented on the reports. Last week, Russian military journalist Roman Saponkov published photos on social media that appeared to show warplanes damaged in a mortar attack on Russia's Hmeimim base on New Year's Eve. Speaking to the BBC, Mr Saponkov said that the photos came from a reliable anonymous source. Russia's defence ministry acknowledged the attack on 31 December, adding that two servicemen had been killed, but denied that any jets had been disabled. The attackers were described as "Islamist extremists". Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Hmeimim airbase and announced the withdrawal of some of the country's troops from Syria. Hmeimim is Russia's main base for air strikes on rebel groups in Syria - strikes that have enabled President Bashar al-Assad's forces to recover much lost ground. Russian air strikes are said to have killed many civilians, though Moscow insists that it only targets rebel "terrorist" fighters. The Russian military says it has now beefed up security at Hmeimim. The base already has long-range anti-aircraft missiles but it appears that rebels were able to get close enough to the perimeter to fire mortar rounds.
  13. Thirty-two people are missing after an oil tanker and a cargo ship collided off China's east coast. The Sanchi tanker, carrying 136,000 tonnes of Iranian oil worth $60m (£44m), caught fire after the crash. China's ministry of transport said the crew - 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis - were missing from the Panama-registered vessel. The 21-strong crew of the cargo ship had been rescued. "Sanchi is floating and burning," the ministry said. "There is an oil slick and we are pushing forward with rescue efforts." Poor weather and huge plumes of smoke rising from the tanker are making rescue attempts difficult, Mohammad Rastad, head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organisation, told Iranian television. It is the first major accident involving an Iranian oil tanker since international sanctions limiting its export were lifted in January 2016. A collision between an Iranian supertanker in the Singapore Strait in August 2016 caused no loss of life or pollution. Saturday evening's collision happened about 160 nautical miles (296 km) off the coast of Shanghai. Eight Chinese ships have been sent for the search-and-rescue operation, China's official Xinhua news agency said. South Korea has also sent a coastguard ship and a helicopter to aid the relief effort. The tanker had been sailing to Daesan in South Korea from Kharg Island in Iran, according to Reuters ship tracking data. It was carrying a cargo equivalent to slightly under a million barrels. The Hong Kong-registered cargo ship, CF Crystal, was carrying 64,000 tonnes of grain from the US to Guangdong province in southern China. Its rescued crew were all Chinese nationals, the country's transport ministry said.
  14. Hello : We wish u to get what u want , since all of these people gave their opinion . I think no need to keep this topic open anymore since the last decision will be for vac . Topic closed to avoid post hunts .
  15. #SMOKE

    Need Help!

    Due to inactivity of the person who requested help, topic will be closed in 2 days! T/C !
  16. #SMOKE

    NeeD Help !!

    Hello : As my colleague didan explained to u , Profile songs are for V.I.P's and CSBD staff from Moderators up to Administrators The link that didan gave u will explain to u how to become one of csbd staff , If u want to be V.I.P Read Here or by winning CSBD competitions . For more information u could ask me about it via pm or via ts3 i am 24/7 active there . We wish u best of luck ,Maybe in future u may become one of CSBD staff , I think no need to keep this topic open any longer so . Topic Closed !
  17. US President Donald Trump has said he believes he will be treated "fairly" by the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the US election. There has been tension between the White House and the inquiry and Mr Trump has had to deny planning to fire lead investigator Robert Mueller. Mr Trump again denied there had been any collusion with Russian officials. He told the New York Times he did not know how long the inquiry would take, but it had made the US "look very bad". Speaking in an interview at his golf club in West Palm Beach in Florida, Mr Trump insisted he had the right to begin or end any justice department investigations. "But for purposes of hopefully thinking I'm going to be treated fairly, I've stayed uninvolved with this particular matter," he said. Mr Trump said of Mr Mueller, the special counsel: "I think he's going to be fair." The New York Times said that Mr Trump had denied 16 times during the interview that there had been any collusion with Russia. Image caption The former head of the FBI Robert Mueller has been heading the collusion inquiry US intelligence agencies believe Moscow tried to tip the presidential election in favour of Mr Trump - a charge denied by both Russia and the US president. Mr Trump has labelled Mr Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt" while other Republicans accuse it of bias. Mr Trump repeated his allegation that Democrats had invented the issue "as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election". The president said he was not concerned about when the inquiry would finish as he had nothing to hide. But he said: "It makes the country look very bad, and it puts the country in a very bad position. So the sooner it's worked out, the better it is for the country." He was repeating his comments from May that the probe was "hurting the US terribly". Mr Trump said the matter had angered his supporters, adding: "My base is strong than it's ever been." On other areas in the interview, Mr Trump: Again condemned Democrats for not taking a bipartisan approach to legislation Said he had to endorse the defeated candidate Roy Moore in the Alabama special election, as that was what the "head of the Republican" party had to do Again criticised Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia inquiry Said he believed the media would become more favourable to him as their ratings "would go down the tubes" if he were not in office
  18. At least 12 people have been killed and four others critically injured in a fire at an apartment building in the Bronx borough of New York. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the fire was the deadliest in the city for at least 25 years. The victims include a one-year-old child, he added. The cause of the fire, on Prospect Avenue, near Fordham University and the Bronx Zoo, is not yet clear. More than 160 firefighters helped bring the blaze under control. Officials said the first alarm sounded at the five-storey building at about 19:00 local time (00:00 GMT). Speaking at the scene, Mr De Blasio said a nearby school had been set up to shelter those evacuated from the building. The city is currently experiencing bitterly cold weather. "We're here at the scene of an unspeakable tragedy," Mr De Blasio said. "Tonight, here in the Bronx there are families that have been torn apart. This is the worst fire tragedy we have seen in this city in at least a quarter century. Based on the information we have now, this will rank as one as the worst losses of life to a fire in many, many years." He said the fire service had managed to rescue at least 12 people from the building. Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro, standing alongside the mayor, described the fire as a "tragedy... without question historic in its magnitude". "People died on various floors of the apartment [block], ranging in age from one to over 50," he told reporters. "In a department that is surely no stranger to tragedy, we're shocked by the lives lost." Witness Rafael Gonzalez, who lives in a building across the street, told WCBS-TV he was woken by the smell of smoke and then saw some people using a fire escape of the burning building as the fire raged. The building contains more than 20 flats and was built just over 100 years ago, the New York Times reported. The Associated Press said the fire was the deadliest in New York - excluding the 9/11 attacks - since 87 people died at a social club in the Bronx in 1990. Earlier this month, a mother and her three children died in a fire at their home in Brooklyn, New York. Image caption An emergency shelter has been made available for evacuees Did you witness what happened? Do you live in the affected block? If it is safe for you to do so let us know about your experiences.


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