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El L0rd

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Everything posted by El L0rd

  1. Welcome with us ! enjoy
  2. For the last time , I DON T WORK FOR SERVERS .

    if you need help on your servers contact me via TS3 ONLY   don't spam my pms or you will be added as ignored member.  

  3. Hello everyone , i had this tutorial before but all tutorials of counter strike were deleted , so i'm going to do it again due to the requests. first of all you are going to need this program : Click to download (Jed's half-life model viewer) once you finish setup , open the program and go to File->load model->counter strike 1.6 folder->cstrike->models Now pick the model you want either a player model (adminstrator , zombie ,vip etc) or a Weapon model : select the v_weapon file first . i will start with 1- Player model : i will pick administrator model for example (double click on folder and click on the model) it will appear you like this : first of all you need to choose a specific programme to edit (like After Effect , Photoshop , paint ..) and go to Textures Now select what you wanna edit either the hands ,ears or the suit etc.. i recommend you to select "suit.bmp" in this model and click on export texture to desktop and put any name you like. go to the picture you just exported . right click on the picture->options->open with-> select the programme you want to edit with (paint/photoshop etc) After finish editing the picture like this : NOTE : DO NOT CHANGE THE PICTURE TYPE OR SIZE now save the picture (do not change it type or size) and go to texture-> Import texture and import the image that you've edited . and here we are save the model as the exact name as the old name and put it in cstrike->models and click replace model. 2- Weapon Models you need to do the exact same thing we did on player model BUT you need to edit 2 files instead of one V_weapon (v_ak47) W_weapon (w_ak47) and save them both with saving them in cstrike with replacing them with old model. ------------------------------------ If you didn't get anything contact me via TS3 (ts.csblackdevil.com) or leave me a PM .
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  4. El L0rd

    a problem

    Hello , Topic closed
  5. Hello , Contact me Via PM or TS3 to explain to you any part you like .
  6. El L0rd


    Hello , as the topic is moved and you didn't know about the model and the rules of this section i will leave you 24 hours to edit the topic or it will be automatically closed . thank you for understanding .
  7. Welcome back with us enjoy your stay .
  8. El L0rd

    want help !

    Problem solved via TS3 thank you for cooperating . Topic closed .
  9. Hello all Members , in this tutorial i will be explaining : how to add admins & tags How To add maps how to add plugins This the Basics information for any Counter strike 1.6 Manager , i will available more complicated things in other tutorials. 1- Adding Admins & tags : First of all you need to know that you need only a specific folder for this operation this is your main area , NOTE:i wanna say that the file names and their contents are different from server to other . first of all , you need to go to a file with name user.ini (common ) in some servers it's called zp_admins , admins.ini . it looks like this : Every grade has it own access and this access is defined with those letters to add an admin you should select the grade and type exactly like me : NOTICE : Some servers can have the tag feature too for example : if you don't have tags in the User.ini file search for a file names Tags (common) or zp_tags ,tag.ini etc . and you have to write : 2-Adding maps i would like to start with maps , first of all , choose the map you want to add it . go to and put the map there . once it finish downloading go to and add the map name you added , 3- Adding Plugins first you need to focus on what i am saying . adding too much plugins will lag the server and in some cases close it. any mistake could lead to a instant shut down. FOR AMXX FILES : * Copy The AMXX File ( ban.the.noobs.AMXX) and put it in FOR Sma and Txt Files : * Copy The SMA and TXT file (ban_the_noobs.sma , ban_the_noobs.txt) and put it in And Last step go to And copy the plugin name and paste it here . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you didn't get any step feel Free to contact me via PM or teamspeak 3 . i will be explaining more about other steps if you guys want to.
  10. v2 great bluer and text . good job
  11. i won't be available to add addons for servers .sending me pm to add Addons will be ignored and deleted . i will make Tutorials as soon as possible on how to add addons step by step. 

    Thank you for understanding . 

  12. El L0rd

    Need Help!!

    Hello @Abbas™, unfortunately i need to tell you that you are breaking this forum rules Topic closed.
  13. El L0rd

    I need help

    Hello , Watch this tutorial made by @Logitech.` Solved . thanks to all members who tried to help. Topic closed.
  14. El L0rd

    some help

    Hello . This could happen for a variety of reasons. here is the common Solutions : - Open another browser (firefox / google (recommended ) ) - Maybe you didn't allow access to csbd into your facebook. - you changed the required options . - The sign in tool is under the developpement state .. Have a great day --------- Edit : Solved Via PM. Topic Closed
  15. El L0rd

    Need help !!

    Thank you all members who tried to help him and special thanks to @eXpLoReRs Solved . Topic closed .
  16. as i've noticed recently all my old tutorials was deleted on how to customize your counter strike 1.6 step by step . i will be providing the most important tutorials to customize your cs1.6 . i prefer to start with the HL.menu seen that it's the hardest part . Note : i will explain how to add music to your hl menu on next tutorial 1-open your counter strike 1.6 folder 2- it will appear like this : NOTICE : any small remove of a little mark like will disable the specific menu so let's start editing : you can name the menu whatever you like in this section : change the name between the two // // . example : 3- to add a menu . for example i am going to add a menu follow me step by step . you need to add here wherever you like here a script that i am going to make : For Proof Menu : For Volume settings add this script : For performance details : For Prepared words to say : ---Prepared words for admins : and lastly a AMXX menu if you need any specific menu contact me via PM. do not forget to save the file in cstrike with name "commandmneu.txt" . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use Command Menu Editor to make it easy for you . Download link.
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  17. We have designers with 100 reputation and others with 1000 , you saw how we don't care about likes? what's the point from making fake accounts?..


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      1-make post 

      2-reply in post 

      3-add fake likes 

      4-delete post :)

    3. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      @(king of DARK)he is just losing his time , don't lose your precious time with such kind of people.

      we don't care about likes.

      anyway you can still make a support ticket to check out his account. 


    4. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      @_L0rd_ im already did that but adminstrator thought that he register with other account in same ip adminstrator didnt understand that 

      any way i said my opinion pro 

      have a good nice day 

  18. Welcome back . enjoy
  19. Credit: Ubisoft Ubisoft dropped a bunch of information about Far Cry 5 today, including its release date and some new trailers. The game, which is set in the fictional Hope County, Montana, pits players against an extreme religious cult. Here's everything you need to know about Far Cry 5. Story: The story of Far Cry 5 takes place in Montana. You play as a Sheriff's deputy who has arrived in Hope County only to discover that the entire region has been taken over by a doomsday cult, The Project at Eden's Gate. Your job is to help rally the locals into the Resistance, and take out the cult. Meanwhile, some locals will take the side of the militia cultists. The Villain: Far Cry 3 and 4 were both largely about each game's larger-than-life villain. Far Cry 5 continues that trend with The Father, Joseph Seed, the leader of Eden's Gate. We don't know much about him yet, but if the past two games are any sort clue, he'll probably be one of the highlights of the game. Both Vaas Montenegro and Pagan Min were incredible antagonists. Character Customization: For the first time, players will be able to fully customize their character. This means you can play as a man or a woman and choose your race. I'm not sure how much actual customization you'll have in terms of shaping your character's appearance, but I'm thrilled that we'll have choices. Ubisoft dropped a bunch of information about Far Cry 5 today, including its release date and some new trailers. The game, which is set in the fictional Hope County, Montana, pits players against an extreme religious cult. Here's everything you need to know about Far Cry 5. Story The story of Far Cry 5 takes place in Montana. I explain why that's the perfect setting in this post (though, as a native Montanan, I'm biased.) You play as a Sheriff's deputy who has arrived in Hope County only to discover that the entire region has been taken over by a doomsday cult, The Project at Eden's Gate. Your job is to help rally the locals into the Resistance, and take out the cult. Meanwhile, some locals will take the side of the militia cultists. The Villain Far Cry 3 and 4 were both largely about each game's larger-than-life villain. Far Cry 5 continues that trend with The Father, Joseph Seed, the leader of Eden's Gate. We don't know much about him yet, but if the past two games are any sort clue, he'll probably be one of the highlights of the game. Both Vaas Montenegro and Pagan Min were incredible antagonists. Gameplay While we still have much to learn about how the game plays, it doesn't sound like a huge departure from the formula. Open-world Montana will be a new spin on the open-worlds of the past two games, but there will still be wild beasts, bases to take over, vehicles to drive and so forth. This time around you can also fly a plane and get into dogfights. There will be Guns for Hire and Fangs for Hire as well, allowing you to recruit both NPCs to your cause and wild beasts. That's a page from Far Cry Primal, and should be fun. There will also be muscle cars, ATVs and various other vehicles, as well as a wide assortment of weapons. Some of those weapons will be a change for the series, like a baseball bat Character Customization For the first time, players will be able to fully customize their character. This means you can play as a man or a woman and choose your race. I'm not sure how much actual customization you'll have in terms of shaping your character's appearance, but I'm thrilled that we'll have choices. Co-op The entire game can be played solo or in two-player co-op mode. This is a departure from the past two games. In Far Cry 3 there was a separate 4-player co-op campaign, and in Far Cry 4 you could play side missions in 2-player co-op. It'll be interesting to see how co-op works for the entire game this time around. Map Editor Like previous games, Far Cry 5 will feature a map editor for players to create their own maps. The editor will have new features this time around, but Ubisoft has not announced what these are. Developer Far Cry 5 is being spearheaded by Ubisoft Montreal, the studio that lead development of Far Cry 3 and 4 as well as Far Cry Primal. Platforms Far Cry 5 is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC. Free bonus content is coming to the PS4 version while players on other platforms will have the option to buy. The game will not be coming to the Nintendo Switch, unfortunately. Release Date Far Cry 5 releases on February 27th, 2018. This is smart as it avoids the madness of the holiday season. This is what EA should have done with Titanfall 2 (in 2017.)
      • 4
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  20. Just received my certification from google in the Digital marketing :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

    emarketing.jpg (my name was hided due to personal issues) 

    1. Kyter



  21. welcome with us ! Enjoy
  22. El L0rd

    I need Help

  23. i won't be answering any pm that requires plugins because  of the  amount of spam i've got in the recent period , anyone who needs plugin can request here:http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/79-requests/ .

    by replying your requests via PM ,the section is going to be totally dead.

    thank you for understanding. 

  24. El L0rd

    Need help !

    Hello , Watch out this tutorial made by @Logitech.`. Have a look at the steam part. Hope it helps
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