Numele oponent: devoutt
Tema de lucru:
Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): semnatura Marime: 400x200 *Text: CSBD Watermark: CSBD
Timp de lucru: cand esti gata
PS , daca mai arunci 2 c4d un bg pe fundal si un blur anulez battleul.
Name of the oponent: Devoutt
Theme of work:
Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) : Sig
Size: 400x180
*Text: 20CM
Watermark: CSBD
Working time: When im ready , or you are.
i only see votes for blur , that means you guys dont know anything else , so why bother vote for something you even smell once )
ill vote v2 , nice text , that flame just blow me mind ze border its ok-ish though you can go further with it ... good luck.
Name of the oponent: MrSkohdra , dev
Theme of work:
Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Sig
Size: 400x170
Watermark: cablackdevil
Working time: 3-4 days
Hey man , i have some crazy problems right know with me health so i dont know if i can make it , i didn't do any sig for 2 month or more so im bad now.
I'll refuse you , sorry man.
Name of the oponent: Mr.Sk
Theme of work: anime girl
Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) : avatar
Size: 150x300
*Text: Firepower
Watermark: csblackdevil
Working time: 2 days.
Theme of work:
Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Sig
Size: 400x250 (c4d and vectors)
*Text: -
Watermark: -
Working time: tomorrow?
Ma friend it's for revange =))