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Everything posted by G.O.G

  1. v2 , text , colors
  2. the black market of points is in Gfx Gifts ? ?  much traffic of points ??

    how many daily gifts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blexfraptor




      Mr. Traxxx makes about 100 gifts a day

    3. MaSt3Rs-K|Ll3r


      The Fastest Way To Make Points And Also Soon They Will Be Better Designer Keep Improving Desinger

      And Dont Forget To Bet OtherWise Snaper Will Spank :V 

    4. HICHEM



  3. all my points are bet ? ? 

    good luck to me, if I lose I will shoot me ??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. G.O.G


      hahahaha yes i want to snap ?  is better

    3. Mr.SnaPeR



      Master i bet with 6 points and i feel that iam rich :v  from now xD

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      and about you G.O.G 

      Go Watch your Weekly music This sexy girls xD 

      or you will be punished xD

  4. v2 text
  5. welcome to csbd
  6. welcome to csbd
  7. v3 text , effect
  8. 502 stupid number?

  9. wrong section you must make your publication here: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/10653-problems/ Topic/Closed
  10. CSBD and ???

    and enjoy the entertainment ???

  11. G.O.G

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday
  12. Welcome to jungle Have Fun , Respect the rules Good Luck
  13. Start Vote v1 v2
  14. welcome back ? have fun . good luck
  15. Name of the oponent: @Sr. Daniel ♔♔♔ Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): RENDER Size: your choise Text: Comunnity Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Watermark: CSBLACKDEVIL CSBD Stop votes 8 Working time: 24 hours
  16. v2 , text , blur
  17. hahaha Exactly so I find myself now ????


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HICHEM


      Everyone love GOG

    3. walker™


      G.O.G wait bro and who wait much win much ?

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      you are waiting and naked ? 

      i wanna to see you naked :v 

  18. the brother , thanks very much bro ❤️ 

    more people like Gaturro please. ❤️ 

    Mr.Gato sent you 100 points 

    1. HICHEM


      You are lucky :v

  19. Global Moderator, It's more relaxed, haha more report plz, I fall asleep  ?? Celtix and ace it wins me all the reports ?? 

    1. ∆VERON∆™
    2. G.O.G


      it's sad, our life as a global moderator??

  20. Mi bro catire , Mi hermanito pequeño de siempre ❤️ ? desde Oldschool ❤️ thanks me bro 

    - !el Catire *O* sent you 5 points 

    1. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      hahah desde oldschool nunca olvidare a ese serve hay fue nuestra amistad y nunca se ira esa amistad

    2. G.O.G


      asi mismo manito ❤️ 

  21. thanks bro, one of the few people who does this ❤️

    Mr.Gato sent you 10 points 

    1. Flenn.


      @Mr.Gato l7as lvl (sorry we can't show you lvl cuz your pc will blowing up)

    2. Strix


      FLENN LMAO You really made me cry of laughing xDD

      GOG np bruh

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