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Status Updates posted by SKYFALL

  1. Just 1 thing I have to say : You noob!

      And another one : I missed you

    1. Blackfire


      my noob miss you so much ;))))))))

  2. Hello boyz , I hope you are fine . Greeting from SKYFALL

    1. jayden™


      come back :v


  3. Hello guys, nice to see you again, I hope you are fine , all the best from SKYFALL.

    1. Hannibal 亗

      Hannibal 亗

      Missed you bro! ❤️ 

  4. 98e89bd6-d3a8-42b3-a7ee-30e55e3bc921.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Thanks for your support @SKYFALL

    3. #Drennn.


      thanks for you support

    4. Exfibo


      DAMN!!!! RIGHT
      btw i am not from palestine
      but I really want them to be freed!!!!!!

  5. RO :

    1. În primul rând, eu fiind oficialul fondator al acestui server cer staff-ului csblackdevil dovezi pentru sanctionarea fiecărui membru al staff-ului ThunderZM (Inclusiv pentru sancționarea fondatorului oficial , adică eu).

    2. Despre obligativitatea rank-ului (minim rank 150) , acest lucru nu este datoria comunității să-l impuna sau să-l intereseze. Un al doilea lucru despre acest fapt , ceea ce s-a impus o considerăm discriminare și în același timp amenințare .

    3. Despre plata acelei penalități, țin să spun că staff-ul thunderzm nu va plătii acest lucru , după cum am precizat și în punctul 1. , așteptăm dovezi clare si concrete prin care manageri sau staff al server ului thunderzm a făcut RECLAMĂ  sau a JIGNIT. 


    Legat de jignit, să nu uităm că , co fondatorul thunderzm , Gabi Papi a primit ban pe forum și a fost redenumit sub numele de "Căpșunarul Angliei", ceea ce dupa parerea mea putem spune că e o jignire !

    Concluzie : Staff-ul ThunderZM nu va plătii cu nimic aceste "deranjamente" și condiții, cu parere de rău țin să anunț că eu , fondator oficial , împreună cu staff-ul meu loiail ne vom retrage. Mulțumim pentru sprijinul oferit și succese multe in continuare!


    EN : 

    1. First of all, I am a official founder of the server , I m asking csblackdevil staff proofs for every thunderzm staff which was sanctioned( including me)

    2. About the mandatory of rank (minimum 150 rank GT) this is not the community bussines about it and you must do not care about. The second thing, what csbd staff imposed to us , we feel is a discrimination, and the same time a threat for us.

    3. About the paying for that PENALTY, I want to say that the management of THUNDERZM will not pay this thing , as I mentioned at .1, We ask for clear proofs that a admin or manager from thunderzm ADVERTISE or INSULT !


    About INSULT , don t forget , Gabi Papi was banned from this community and he was renamed as "Căpșunarul Angliei" (is a insult form for someone from Romania who works hard to earn money on another countries). So , my opinion is thats a INSULT.


    Conclusions : ThunderZM staff will not pay this "inconvenience" and conditions and with so much regrets, I want to announce that me , the official founder of thunderzm, and the loyalty staff will retire. Thank you for your support and good luck !

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. SKYFALL


      Înca ceva , banii din donatii au fost doar prin simplul fapt că tot EU cu F1XIK am creat un minunat plugin de VIP , asta așa să nu te întrebi de unde 🙂

    3. Mr.Love
    4. GRC21


      Domnule Mr.Love,nu prea am vrut sa spun nimic despre asta dar ati ajuns prea departe, din dovezi pentru ban în forum s-a ajuns la dovezi despre bani și nu era nevoie de asta. Despre ce ai spus ("ți-ai pus bulgarii sa administreze iar tu stăteai pe tron") este total gresit, nimeni nu a făcut ceva obligat în acest server, ci doar din plăcere. Acești bulgari și șoareci au făcut tot ce s-a putut pentru a face jucătorii sa simtă ce este un server adevărat.

      Cât de mult s-a implicat Skyfall? De prea multe ori , chiar daca muncește în fiecare zi🙂.

      E de ajuns câte am spus, nu e nevoie sa intru în alte detalii.

      Regards : Grc 

  6. Looking for really crazy boys in the staff for this awesome new server

    I'm waiting you with a request here ❤:



    1. Sinan.47


      You search Gay boys? xD

    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      Am intrat si eu pe server!

      Merg 2 pasi si se opreste, si tot asa.., dau stop la demo si tot degeaba..


      EDIT: acum e ok. 

  7. Welcome back, Australian kid!

    1. denisdike01


      i am king_of_lion can you help me

      for admin 

  8. Christmas love feelings !❤❄🎄🎁💏

  9. Christmas is coming , so I want to share with you some traditional thing from my home village! I hope you like "the suit" :)) 😘



  10. Best song ever ! ❤ Finally found 

    Thanks @HiTLeR.

    1. HiTLeR


      Your Welcome bro hahah ❤️ 

    2. _Happy boy
    3. Sidorean Alexandru

      Sidorean Alexandru

      Ba imi zici si mie cum se numeste melodia? ca nici-ca-cum nu o pot gasi.

  11. Old school RAP make me feel a GANSTA'

  12. Maybe some of you will learn something from my story. Have a nice day !


    1. walker™


      that really hurt , i hope you and your family stay safe and those things never happen again! 

      i am really sorry that this happened i didn't know that 😢 

    2. GRC21


      take care of yourself and your family..Mr. Sky, I hope your father is resting in peace..we all know that you are a real man..and we (ThunderZM Family) were trying to help you or at least laugh a little us, we are your second family, and our father is Jaegarn As we nicknamed him😅, anyway, take care of yourself💞

  13. Win 5 euros, Devil Coins, Medals, even a game on Steam. More details here: 

  14. This song must to unite all of us , from all countries . #WaveUrFlag.

  15. The best  relaxing and motivational song for SKYFALL. Good night guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #LiNeX
    3. SParKleSS


      that song brings back good memories and makes me sad 

      R.I.P for all who gaved me good moments and passed out 

      any way gn mate 

  16. Congratulation mi hermano! All the best !

    1. Dr.Drako


      Thanks my brother, we the best team ??

  17. This kid is insane , he makes me cry !❤


  18. "Baby , baby , I feel Crazy" ❤?


    1. CYBERCUR4


      you dont come to server now?

  19. Glad to talk with a chica like Naudita !?

    1. [N]audy


      Happy to talk to you in ts3, my day becomes happy when I talk to you, I have a lot of fun 

      Sora Mea<3 :3 

  20. Delete inbox please

  21. ‎<23:07:41> "[N]audy": BYE BROOO TE QUIERO MUCHOOOO )))
    <23:08:20> "SKYFALL": Te quiero mucho mi hermano
    <23:08:24> "SKYFALL": Tu eres in mi vida
    <23:08:25> "SKYFALL": FOREVER
    <23:08:33> "SKYFALL": )=
    <23:09:20> "[N]audy": te quiero mas mi hermanooo ❤️ see u late brooo ❤️
    <23:09:45> "SKYFALL": Naudy , you are in my corason
    <23:09:52> "SKYFALL": SEE U LATE HERMANO
    <23:10:12> "[N]audy": te llevo en mi corazon Skyfall ❤️ _ <3\


    Gg chica.❤???

    1. [N]audy


      Tu eres mi chica bella hahahaha ? 

  22. I wish you all a relax day !❤




    1. Amaranth
    2. CYBERCUR4


      use mechanical keyboard ._/

  23. <00:12:53> "SKYFALL": guys
    <00:13:13> "SKYFALL": You know that Joke with a stupid man which all time say "NO" ??
    <00:13:30> "Lucille-MOLS": no
    <00:13:33> "Lucille-MOLS": 
    <00:13:36> "SKYFALL": =)))))

    1. Master_Kill
    2. robila
    3. CYBERCUR4


      thats some hell of a cover pic ...thumbs up bro ❤️

  24. Sa-l stăpânești cu sănătate 

    Și mai ales , sa ducem serverele sus , acolo unde le este locul . ?

    1. Americanu


      Multumesc . Clar nici nu se pune problema


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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