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Everything posted by Angrry.exe™

  1. And that's why it asks banks in the US for essential information about card transactions, shopping habits, and more, just to implement a new feature in messenger that would allow us to check the balance in the app and possibly other services. In fact, Facebook denies this information and says it more elegantly than it would not be the same thing. I quote: "The company says it simply seeks to collaborate with banks and credit card companies to provide customer service through chatbot in Messenger or to help users manage accounts within the app." \ This important step Facebook wants to do comes after the financial results show a slow, slowest growth in 2011. It wants to keep users close, loyalty and new features. The problem is that Facebook just had a scandal related to the users' whereabouts and the madness with GDPR. Because both Google and Amazon requested data from banks to better optimize voice assistants and nobody spooked when they heard that Facebook requested data. Because the world does not trust Facebook anymore.
  2. În momentul în care lucrezi la un proiect și copiezi secțiuni de text din mai multe surse, ar fi bine să înveți cum ignori formatarea originală a textului cu pricina. Interacțiunea oricărui utilizator cu un PC sau Mac gravitează foarte mult în jurul procesului de Copy-Paste. Indiferent dacă optezi pentru varianta în limba română sau în engleză, copiază / lipește este mecanismul care te face mai eficient în majoritatea proiectelor tale. Nu contează dacă este vorba de copierea unui fișier dintr-o parte în alta sau de împrumutarea unor secțiuni de text de pe un site web pentru a le folosi într-un document separat. Problema cu procesul de copy-paste ține de faptul că rezultatele obținute s-ar putea să nu fie întotdeauna cele dorite. S-ar putea să copiezi o poză într-un document Word și să îți strice aranjamentul întregului text din pagină și s-ar putea să copiezi câteva paragrafe de text în PowerPoint doar pentru a fi dezamăgit că formatarea inițială a respectivelor linii de text nu are nici o legătură cu restul prezentării tale. Din fericire, există câteva tertipuri la care poți apela în momentul în care lipsești ceva într-un document. Procesul de copiere va fi întotdeauna același și implică combinația CTRL + C pe Windows sau CMD + C pe Mac. Procedura aferentă procesului de lipire sau Paste variază însă în funcție de rezultate pe care ți le dorești la final. De cele mai multe ori, când lipești un text într-un document de pe web, acesta vine cu anumite reguli de formatare aplicate în prealabil. Pentru a-l integra cum se cuvine în aspectul general al fișierului tău original, ai mai multe opțiuni. Prima ar fi elimini complet regulile de formatare pe care textul tău le-a avut înainte. În acest scop, există o combinație de taste CTRL + Shift + V pe Windows și Command + Option + V pe Mac. În cazuri mai deosebite, mai ales în Word, după ce lipești un text, înainte să faci click oriunde în altă parte, apasă în colțul din drepta jos pe butonul care apare lângă secțiunea lipită. Acolo vei avea mai multe opțiuni, iar rezultatele cele mai potrivite s-ar putea să le obții după ce ai optat pentru Match Destination Formatting (Aplică regulile de formatare din documentul de destinație).
  3. Retrieved and postponed until November after some users chose accidentally deleted files, Windows Update 10 October Update has remained unresolved bugs, causing problems for Apple product users. Installing the Windows 10 October Update package may not be a good idea if you use your PC to synchronize song albums using the iCloud service. Distributed through the Windows Update service, Windows 10 build 1809 is not yet installed on any PC, Microsoft automatically filtering systems with compatibility issues. A common example is systems that use Radeon HD 2000 and HD 4000 series video cards left by AMD without access to updated drivers. Even with the latest version of iCloud for Windows (v7.7.0.276), Shared Albums functionality becomes inoperative after October Update is installed. Upon detection of the iCloud client already installed on your PC, the Windows installer stops updating the operating system by displaying a warning message about the problem. Without giving a specific deadline, Apple and Microsoft confirm the preparation of a remedy that will be included with the next iCloud for Windows version.
  4. If AMD has already promised 7nm for next year or later for 2020, Intel is still delaying the 10nm process. But he received good news from the research and development team of the 7nm process. According to Intel, this manufacturing process has no problems, it's on its way and will not have delays. But he still did not mention when we were going to see him on the market. The team working on this 7nm process is different from the one working on the 10nm process. It uses EUV technology with 13.5nm rays. If we were to say, we think this process will be on the market in 2020, and AMD will steal the start next year. Meanwhile, Intel will pull time refining the current manufacturing process to the extreme.
  5. Free POINTS Just Reply i 'will give you ? 

  6. Ripper !! 


    1. Shadox


      ggg , no thanxs i dont need ur help , 

      please dont steal photos with onther communitys ! 

      i want see your real work in requsets :== 

  7. The central element in Analysis is certainly the software requirement. Around the requirements is everything: requirements must be collected from customers, requirements must be documented, managed, developed, tested. In fact, the model created by software specifications is a model composed of requirements that have to be transformed into the final product. For this reason, we will insist on the definitions of software requirements, perhaps even more than the definitions of the Software Analysis itself. There are a lot of definitions in the literature. However, all attempts to encompass the following essential elements: requirements are descriptions (specifications), in a language accessible to all those involved in what an information system must be able to cover, both by behaviour and by its attributes. The most complete (and of course the most recognized) definition of the requirement is given by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). According to this organization, through the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology 610.12-1990, the software requirement is defined as follows: The software requirement is: 1. a condition or capability required by a system to enable a user to solve a particular problem or to reach a particular goal; 2. a condition or capability that a system must achieve or possess in order to meet a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document; 3. a document - the representation of a condition or capability, as described in points 1 and 2 above. Before looking at this definition, we will clarify the term "capability" used here. Capabilities mean something that a software system provides to users, either a particular behavior or a certain attribute. Although the term comes from English "capability," Romanian has here the privilege of having an intuitive description for capability: it designates something a system is capable of doing, something the system can do. Through a capability of a system we can designate either behavior or attribute. For example, a "system validates the date format when the user records the system bill" functionality is a system behavior, while the "position of a button on the screen" is an attribute. (Finally, in Romanian, a field in a database or property of an object may correspond to an attribute of an entity, while a method of an object means behavior.) Turning to the definition of the requirement, we will briefly detail the three parts of the definition. The first part represents the point of view of the user. The center of attention is, at this point, the user who needs something to solve a problem or achieve a goal. This part of the definition clearly tells us that if the problem / purpose of the user can not be specified, then the requirement does not exist. A requirement exists as long as it represents the solution for a user problem. The second part of the definition is the developer's point of view. Here, "a condition or capability that a system has to accomplish" is what the developer must accomplish. As can be seen from the definition, for him the reference is a "formal document imposed". We will see in the following chapters that here is not a description of functions as they develop in programming language but are capabilities that can be understood, have a logic and can be validated by the user of the system without knowing it programming. The third part of the definition expresses a common viewpoint or a general viewpoint, a basic rule: the first two points of view can not exist unless there is a document that both parties can use as a reference. If the document does not exist, the two points of view and their evolution over time do not have a common, palpable and unambiguous element, an acceptable reference. Therefore, according to point 3 of the definition of the requirement, a requirement that is not documented does not exist. We note, from the above definition, that the requirement viewed by the system user is useful for solving a problem, while for the developer the requirement is something he has to develop according to the specification. As a result, the requirement must be expressed in such a way that it can be interpreted without doubt on both sides, because it is equally intended for both sides. On the one hand, it is important for the user to solve their own problems, without the technical details of solving them being relevant. On the other hand, the developer needs a reference to know what to develop, while user issues are less relevant. Here, in the middle between the two is the Software Analyst and its work product: the software requirement - a document that looks useful
  8. On November 14, 565 the Byzantine Emperor Justinian ceased to exist. Justinian was born in 482 in the village of Tauresium, a village near Justiniana Prima in the prefecture of Iliria. His family of peasants was Latin, and Justinian was the grandson of the future Emperor Justin I, who after the 470th military career in the army of emperor Leon I of the Eastern Roman Empire (457-474). Justinian became king in 527. Justinian's dream was to rebuild the Roman Empire (Christianity) by uniting the two empires, the sunset and the east. He succeeded in part through his general Belisarie who conquered the Italica Peninsula and northern Africa. The military and financial difficulties of conquering Italy, begun by Belisarie and concluded by Narses (another general), have not had a long-lasting effect. In 568, the arrival of the Longobars there destroyed Justinian's work. The most important domestic event was Nika's revolt in Constantinople. Justinian's opponents proclaimed another emperor, Hepatius, the nephew of the former emperor Anastasiu I. While Justinian saw the situation as lost, his wife, emperor Teodora, a former circus artist, opposed the withdrawal from the capital. Through the negotiations with Narses with the rebels and the surprising attack of Belisarie with the loyal troops of the Emperor in the racetrack, where the revolts gathered, the rebellion was quenched. One of the greatest achievements of Justinian is the codification of Roman law started in 529. Justinian attempted to revitalize the Romanian society, which was at the last stage of the decomposition, through a huge work of systematization of classical and post-classical law, so that it could be applied to the realities of the sixth century in the Roman Empire. 1716 - Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz, philosopher, mathematician, German physicist (born July 1, 1646) 1719 - Johann Georg Leopold Mozart, composer, violinist and organist, the father of the famous composer W.A. Mozart (May 28, 1787) 1765 - American inventor Robert Fulton, a pioneer in the field of steam propulsion, was born (February 24, 1815) 1831 - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher (born August 27, 1770) 1840 - French painter Claude Monet was born, the founder of the Impressionist movement in painting (1926). 1889 - Jawaharlal Nehru was born, an Indian politician militant for India's independence. He became, in 1947, the first head of state in his country's history. He fought for the modernization of India, and by promoting a policy of non-alignment and peaceful coexistence. (May 27, 1964) 1922 - The first radio broadcast of the BBC post 1967 - Petre P. Panaitescu died, literary historian and philologist (born March 13, 1900) 1991 - The USSR turned into a union formed in a first phase from 7 states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kirchizia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. 1991 - The Romanian Parliament, invested by CPUN (by Decree-Law No 92 of March 1990, for the election of the Parliament and the President of Romania) as the Constituent Assembly, concluded the constitutional debate. 1991 - The prose writer Constantin Chirita ("Ciresarii") died (born March 12, 1925) 2008 - Romanian writer and novelist Ioan Lacusta (born September 15, 1948) ceased to exist.
  9. within the alliance: "We must return to the initial idea of a win-win relationship" Japan has been open to cooperation to stabilize the Renault-Nissan alliance, but a Japanese official says Nissan wants to weaken the influence Renault has in the alliance. Carlos Ghosn, president and CEO of the Renault - Nissan - Mitsubishi Alliance, was arrested in Japan on Monday for reporting lower incomes than actually in Nissan official documents and for using the builder's money for himself. The news was a real shock to the automotive industry and now threatens the two-decade relationship between Renault and Nissan, giving rise to debates about the future of the two builders' collaboration.
  10. Each one of us asked, at one point, whether the man with whom we have a relationship still thinks of our ex-girlfriend, but we have often been told not to worry about such a thing. There are, however, some signs in his behavior that will confirm or deny your suspicions. Once you see these details, it will be difficult for you to go further and claim that nothing has happened. When you see these signs in a person, you have to think if you want to continue the relationship with him or it is time to separate. Here is a selection of signs that show that your lover has not crossed the former relationship: His mind is somewhere else If your partner is not careful about what happens when you are together, it may be a sign that one can think of someone else. Of course, she can be concerned about other problems she faces, not necessarily a former love. You can feel a slight distance between you, even if you are physically together. However, make sure you talk about it before you accuse him of having feelings about the former girlfriend. She defends her ex-girlfriend when it happens to talk about her If your partner constantly feels the need to protect his former girlfriend, especially in situations where this person is not the main subject of the conversation, it means that he has not crossed the previous relationship. She's bringing in her ex-girlfriend He's always looking for reasons to bring her into question. She wants to talk about her, but she can not even talk to you without finding a good reason. She does this because she clearly still thinks about her and still has feelings about her. It's afraid of long-term relationships If your partner always withdraws from discussions about your future together, it could be an alarm signal. Still, you can tell if this is because of a formerly simple relationship: if your partner has a problem with any kind of commitments without having anything to do with the past, it means it's not because of a former girlfriend , but if he tells you that his fear of commitment comes from an unpleasant experience in the past, then you have every reason to believe that he did not go over the separation from his former girlfriend. He wants you to do the same thing he did with his ex-girlfriend When two people have been in a relationship for some time, they are anchored in a routine, but they try to form new traditions. This helps the two to be permanently connected. But when you notice that your partner is trying to have the same habits as his former girlfriend, it may be a problem, because that means he will try to remember her with every thing you do. She does not impose limits on her former girlfriend It is important to set certain limits when it comes to a former relationship. If he is not willing to do so, especially if the new partner asks him to do so, he can prove he has not crossed the former relationship. Some partners who have not crossed the former relationship do not impose limits for fear of eliminating any possibility of getting in touch with a former partner. Still did not delete pictures with her on social networks It is not necessary for your partner to delete all the pictures with all the people he has ever met, but if those pictures portray them in romantic situations then it is an alarm signal. If the pictures are group and things seem to be fine, without being too close, you have nothing to worry about. He contacts her all the time If a person only apologizes for contacting a former girlfriend after the relationship is over, it is obvious that he could not get over. They will always look for opportunities to come back into contact with them, if they are not already. This happens not only if there are still feelings in the middle, but also if they could not overcome partition.
  11. Confirmed indirectly, Android 10 Q was detected on the Pixel 3XL in the Geekbench benchmark. Half a year away from the announcement of Pie, we are now starting the next Android operating system. It is clear that it is in the tests and it will probably take a little while until we can test it. He seems to be Alpha. Try to find the name of the future operating system. According to tradition there has to be a dessert starting with the letter Q.
  12. Because we know pretty well that the future will consist of folding phones, many companies have begun to develop different special components for these devices. For example, Microsoft has patented a special camera for foldable phones. Although there is not much information about this patent, and we still can not understand the exact role of these photo modules, Microsoft has outlined the drawings for two modules. We find that Microsoft has patented a camera for folding devices such as the Samsung phone and sliding phones. You have seen that lately some sliding phones have been featured with a special camera camera that rises from the back. According to the camera module sketches for the foldable phone, we notice two overlapping cameras. Probably when the phone is embedded, the two cameras overlap to form one, and when you unpack it and use it in the tablet mode you will have two cameras.
  13. Welcome to CsBlackDevil - Real Black Idea, i hope you enjoy being here and first of all read the rules friend. RULES
  14. A 25-year-old driver skidded into the parking lot of a mall in the north of the capital and entered two taxis that were stopped, then walked along the sidewalk and hit the curb and metallic ornament, the Capital Road Brigade announced on Tuesday. Representatives of the Capital Road Brigade announced on Tuesday that at around 17.30 at a parking lot in the Băneasa area a 25-year-old driver drove by car and hit two taxi stops at the station, then penetrated the pavement, hit the curb and a metallic ornament. The man was tested with the alcohol test, the result being 0 and he was sanctioned with a fine of 6 fine and 870 lei. The event was settled at the Light Accident Bureau.


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