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Everything posted by Scary

  1. Global Elite with 488 wins
  2. Sooner or later, Everyone will reveal who they truly are.


  4. i hate gays , hate who loves them too
  5. v1 - text , blur
  6. v2 blur , text
  7. Animation Life

  8. v2 text .+ blur
  9. i'm here since 13June , 2013 i can't leave without sad feelings
  10. Lol i didn't create this topic to makes someone , i made it just to let u know that i'm leaving , i don't like to leave sudently..
  11. you are not my bad friend , who said that ? =))) Just because I did not mention your name in the list does not mean that you are not my friend u are the one who bring me up here ,
  12. well , i don't want to play cs for a while , +everyone come to streetzm and get co owner with reason he will Help ? this is not what i'm leaving for but it's just a notice.
  13. Well I was planning to only resign from StreetZM but here it comes that I will resign from the whole community ; the reason for being is that I play other games. I would like to thank @Javed - @Ghost95V - @Cunning i really appreciate your trust in me and I hope I never let you guys down. You will still see me from time to time in Streetzm server I would like to thank these people for the never-ending support; @Jaguar @*Ha©ker'S* / @Crassto / @revo' / Saci / and im sure theres like 30 more that I cant remember whilst in bed... Special thanks to Mr.Dr0p & TheMadWolf for being my "best-friends" since ive been playing Streetzm and good luck with the server! Good Bye Mates!
  14. Scary

    Amazing video

    This video made my day! if everyone thinks like this guy the world would be full love and happiness : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNfD2RxBPjQ
  15. go home u are drunk xd ._. FROM STREETZM : ZoMbIE Ghost (me ) Ex3L3nT
  16. i don't think javed banned u for nothing , i'm sure there is a reason
  17. You are not allowed to accuse anyone .
  18. Bienvenu ici !
  19. I'm using PC / Ps3 / Xbox Far Cry 2 / 3 Left 4 dead Left 4 dead 2 Battlefield 3 / 4 Crysis all veersions Need For Speed all versions Medal of Honor: Warfighter GTA 4 / 5 Counter Strike 1.6 Fifa: 09 until 15 The Witcher Assassin's Creed Brothered Assassin's Creed revelations Assassin's Creed Black Flag Assassin's Creed Unity Assassin's Creed Rouge Prince of Persia God of war the lord of the ring conquest Call of Duty all versions Thief
  20. No one of us knows when this world will end , but God knows.
  21. سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّه الْعَظِيم

  22. WELCOME !
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