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Everything posted by Akrapovic

  1. By the literality of the draft, killing an insect could represent a penalty of 26 million. The state of alarm that aroused the situation of the dogs that were trapped in the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on La Palma, coincided with the public presentation of the draft Law for the Protection and Rights of Animals in Spain. The 65-page document contemplated in its spirit to seek a national consensus for the regulation of animal rights. However, according to what several experts have pointed out, its ‘put on paper’ did not awaken any hint of unity. Despite the fact that the text establishes some applauded regulations, such as the prohibition of the use of wild fauna in circuses and the prohibition of sacrificing animals without valid justification, everything indicates that the generalization and inappropriate use of some key terms caused general nonconformity. The horse that was transported in terrible conditions in a truck died This is how the Comprehensive Substitution Plan for ‘mule cars’ in Barranquilla advances Related topics They develop an instrument to measure the temperature of a volcano 'in situ' The lesser known Picasso will be seen on the 50th anniversary of his death Not surprisingly, in a letter published in recent days by the prestigious newspaper ‘El País’, 800 researchers described the draft law as “deeply misguided and erroneous”. According to the signatories, the fact that the measure is said to be aimed at pets is no excuse for “the confusing and careless use it makes of the terms' animal '(which it does not define),' companion animal 'and' animal domestic'". Precisely, the omission of these general definitions has led to criticisms that, although they might sound absurd, are based on the literalness of the document. (You may be interested: Video portrayed the aggression of a woman against a 100-year-old woman that she cared for). Photo: 123rf In article 83, for example, it is said that the act of “intentionally killing an animal or causing it serious permanent consequences” will be considered a “very serious offense”. In that sense, those who incur this offense must pay a fine ranging from 100,001 to 600,000 euros (around 26 million Colombian pesos in the maximum amount). Taking into account that the document does not specify what type of ‘animals’ the article covers, it is understood that whoever kills any species will have to pay the exorbitant sum. In that sense, swatting a fly will be punished with the value of a traditional low-end vehicle. Likewise, whoever reacts with pesticides against an infestation of mosquitoes in their kitchen, would be obliged to cancel that portentous fine. A logic that could border on the absurd but that, ultimately, responds to the failure to achieve the ‘letter’ of the regulations. (How did it happen ?: Unusual tragedy: dog fell from building and 'killed' 3 people). Weight criticism To this somewhat ‘banal’ detraction, the signatories of the manifesto entitled ‘Animal rights and biodiversity conservation’ added several clashes that the project would have with other regulations already sti[CENSORED]ted on animal conservation at the national and community level. Among the most substantial, they highlighted the dangers that the pretense of regulating the possession and reproduction of exotic species in captivity would bring because, according to the text, it would be obviating that “caging a bird captured in nature supposes suffering, not This is the case for a specimen born in captivity ”. Under this logic, the idea of the signing researchers is not that the intention of preserving animal welfare ends but “to work on a new proposal clearly focused on domestic pets, and to do so with the critical support of experts in animal conservation. wildlife". LINK: https://www.eltiempo.com/cultura/gente/espana-ley-de-proteccion-y-de-derechos-animales-polemicas-y-criticas-627752
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  2. In 2018 the Indian brand showed us a motorcycle that, simply put, defied the sporty character and featured revolutionary technology. TVS recently let us see on the streets the next vehicle that could be part of its portfolio, a retro machine, and although we do not know more details about its production, except that given by the images themselves, it did put us to think about the hybrid prototype which was presented, but which to date appears to have been discarded. It was the Zeppelin, a cruiser-type motorcycle, which among the great novelties was a double motorization, and other characteristics that we summarize below: • 220 cc engine coupled with an integrated electric start generator. • 1200W regenerative assist motor with 48V lithium ion battery for increased power. • Innovative security system called Bio-Key at power-up. • Integrated HD action camera. • First Bio-Key in its class. • Dual channel ABS. • E-boots, integrated starter generator system increases performance and achieves a mild hybrid system (Mid-Hybrid Tech). New - Publimotos Store At the time, it was thought that the vehicle would see the light as a series model in 2020, then in 2021 and right at the beginning of the pandemic in 2022, however, it seems that the motorcycle simply reached the prototype phase and later relegated, sometimes remembered as one of the brand's most iconic designs. Why didn't it become a serial motorcycle? The answer may have two edges, the first is the design. It is no secret to anyone that low-volume cruiser motorcycles are not desired, an example of this is the Suzuki Intruder, whose numbers are not surprising and even the Bajaj Avenger, which remains far from the sales of the Pulsar. For the same reason, risking to launch such a radical design could have meant a commercial failure, especially when the second factor, price, is the one that also works against it. Having a motorcycle with two motors, battery, belt drive, TFT screen, liquid cooling, LED lighting and even forms full of details and incorporation of different materials, means that what will be paid are much higher figures than what we are used to, Therefore, having a motorcycle that in sales numbers can be unattractive, with a high price, at least in emerging economies, seems like a recipe for failure, however, for European countries or with benefits for vehicles hybrids if it's an option. On the other hand, the most probable thing is that TVS will leave the initiative in oblivion and concentrate on creating purely electric machines, although apparently, and perhaps with some luck, the Indian brand ends up resuming the forms and dares to launch a fully combustion Zeppelin without the entire electronics package; after all, the chassis and trim are fully finished, plus, with the 200cc engine, it's more than enough to launch something like an “Apache Chopper”. LINK: https://publimotos.com/mactualidad/9-mundo/4808-que-paso-con-la-zeppelin-hibrida-de-tvs-se-archivo-el-proyecto
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  3. The social network is still in the spotlight. With the arrival of the new anti-tracking measures from Apple to all its iPhones, Facebook has seen how a good amount of the data that reached it has stopped, so it is more complicated for Mark Zuckerberg to know who each of us are. us and, above all, what we like and how our preferences are changing. So it was to be expected that he would look for alternative ways to keep his business afloat or that he already had them active before. And that suspicion that many of us had that Facebook would not stand still and would try to maintain the flow of information at whatever price was confirmed by the report just published by some security specialists who, as the main summary of their work, come to indicate that if you have an iPhone, run to delete Facebook (and Instagram) from the apps you have installed on it. What is the app doing? What security researchers have just discovered is that Facebook is accessing the iPhone's accelerometer to analyze by vibrations what activities we are carrying out on a daily basis and, in this way, discover what our behaviors are but above all where we are, comparing everything the information they obtain with that of other devices that show similar patterns. According to two of those responsible for this work, Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk, "Facebook reads accelerometer data all the time. If you do not allow Facebook to access your location, the application can still infer your exact location only by grouping you with users who match the same vibration pattern as your phone's accelerometer records. " The most serious of all is that even if we do not give it permission to obtain our location, Facebook can determine it based on all the huge amount of information it receives from hundreds of millions of devices like ours, which is why, technically, block the imposed tracking Apple can give us practically the same. That is why both researchers recommend removing the social network app from our iPhone. Tom Mysk came to recognize that "on Facebook and Instagram it is not clear why the application reads the accelerometer; I could not find a way to deactivate it" so at this time, the only way to avoid the problem of the social network following collecting our data is to erase it from the device. Are you willing to do something like this to preserve your decision to avoid being tracked? LINK: https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2021/10/25/lifestyle/1635136701_784521.html
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  4. The Comptroller's Office identified spoofed identities, false accidents, and orthopedists and IPS interested in keeping most of the resources. The Comptroller General of the Republic, through the Directorate of Information, Analysis and Immediate Reaction (Diari), revealed that 500,000 million pesos are committed for allocations to 'ghost' traffic accidents, that is, without real patients, which the State covered and financed through the Administrator of the Resources of the General System of Social Security in Health (Adres). These monies were drawn between January 2018 and May 2021. (See: Covid-19, the worst claim that the insurance industry has faced). The Comptroller's investigators established that the State financed 13% of 2,384,559 accidents, that is, resources were allocated for 314,074 events. The control entity found that 44% of the money transfers for this purpose were collected by only eight IPS, which represent 1% of these health providers at the national level. These clinics are located in Valle del Cauca, Córdoba, Magdalena and Cesar, and have obtained more than 239,000 million pesos for patients who suffered accidents. The Comptroller's Office found the record of a patient who allegedly had 20 accidents in two years in which Soat never had, so Adres covered her cats. (See: Approve reduction in the cost of Soat for those who do not use the policy). According to data from the Cali IPS, the man had an accident for 5 days in December 2019 and, in 2020, eight times. During 2021, there are two events. Through these procedures, 3,087,324 pesos were approved. In the cases, the accident vehicle was never identified, nor its respective policy, which raised suspicion on the Comptroller's Office. The same happened with a man who had an accident for four years without having his insurance policy. And it was stated that the man suffered 15 accidents, in which he had eight injuries to the wrist, hand, ankles, spine, feet and elbows. THE DECEASED WHO COLLECTED MONEY Another of the irregularities found by the Comptroller's Office was that of patients who had already died, but appeared within the collections. (See: This is what happens to the debts of a person who has passed away.) The control body identified 15 people who died before the date on which they allegedly had an accident. The resources destined for these services add up to more than 129 million pesos. On the other hand, there are registered people who were paid their medical expenses, but their identity is not known. Likewise, the investigation revealed that two orthopedists charged more than 25,000 million for treating, supposedly between them, 27,921 patients due to accidents. One of the doctors, in 42 months, would have provided his services to 16,254 injured, for which the administrator paid more than 6,200 million pesos. "This figure is impossible, since this doctor would have to work exclusively eight hours a day, from Monday to Sunday, without rest 365 days a year to receive an average of 13 injuries," explained the Comptroller. The other orthopedist treated 11,667 injured by traffic accidents in eight departments of the country. Therefore, 19,000 million pesos were approved, which the specialist registered. According to the control body, the doctor would have had to treat 55 injured a day. (See: Cities where more insurance money will be paid for damages during unemployment). The Comptroller's Office also warned about accidents that hoarded resources when patients did have Soat. These three cases occurred in Montería (Córdoba) and Neiva y Garzón (Huila). According to the authorities, the same claim was paid twice. BRIEFCASE LINK: https://www.portafolio.co/economia/finanzas/contraloria-publica-irregularidades-en-cobros-de-soat-y-adres-por-accidentes-de-transito-557761
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  5. Donde sea que estés, No te preocupes hare que vuelvas 😛 

    y Mandaremos a mimir a unos cuantos

    1. Jeenyuhs


      Está en el cielo de los banned 😞 

    2. Inkriql


      Cuidado que es fácil ir a ahí, pero difícil volver :)))

  6. Feliz Cumpleaños Parcero ❤️ 

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Gracias parce ❤️

  7. Happy birthday!
  8. In recent days, the discovery of 24 trillion pesos without executing the General System of Royalties (SGR) was news, which within the situation of the country, could mean the possibility of investing in different projects that allow solving the amount of needs suffered by the Colombian po[CENSORED]tion and lacks sources of financing. Last Thursday, June 24, during the Colombia Oil and Gas 2021 conference held by Vostock Capital, Germán Casas, the President of the Sebastopo Refinery, the only one in the private sector in Latin America, stated that the refinery project in Colombia has been delayed for more than 12 months due to the pandemic and the social conflicts that have occurred in the last two months. The project mentioned by President Casas, should presumably begin in the second half of this year, however it depends on the development of the tender for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract. Additionally, German Casas emphasizes that the health situation has caused a step backwards and despite the fact that the project is financed and supported by investors, it should start four years after starting the works and despite the delays, he emphasizes that the next weeks there could be new advances. The refinery is part of the six billion dollar power pole project, which would also include a 135MW cogeneration plant, a photovoltaic solar park and a hydrogen production plant. The pandemic and the National Strike, another inconvenience for oil refineries in Colombia? During the third congress of Colombia Gas y Petróleo 2021, the vice president of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Miguel Lotero indicated about the perspective that is presented in the hydrocarbon sector. Lotero stated that the criteria used in the industry and from the Ministry of Mines and Energies, is that for the rest of the year the objective is economic reactivation, especially focused on the energy transition and more after having had critical months derived from the pandemic and the social conflict of the last two months. “This reactivation has a special focus, as it is leveraged in the energy sector. There we have taken a series of measures focused on electricity and transport with users and industry in mind. As well as the issue of fuels, which in recent weeks has seen the need for liquid fuels in our daily lives ”added Deputy Minister Lotero. He emphasized that 12% of the nation's current income is part of the oil income and it becomes a fundamental factor, from a fiscal perspective. Additionally, Miguel Lotero stressed that the contribution of the mining and energy sector represented 34% of direct foreign investment and 56% of all exports. Source: Valora Analitik: Colombia's moves to promote renewables and hydrocarbons 06/23/2021 Source: Colombia, Gas and Oil Congress 2021. Source: bnamericas: EPC companies show interest in tender for oil refinery in Colombia 06/24/2021 Environmental license for solar project in Colombia The National Environmental Licensing Authority (Anla) approved Enel Green Power Colombia's Guayepo solar project in the municipality of Ponedera, Atlántico. According to documents published by the Ministry of the Environment, this plant will begin its construction in the second half of this year and would be completed by 2023, its construction would cost $ 300 million dollars. The project will be connected to the National Interconnected System, through a connection line of around 9 km with the Sabanalarga substation. In addition, it will have a capacity of 491 MWdc (408.03 MWac). Its expansion is about 1,300 hectares and it will be equipped with a bifacial polycrystalline technology, which enables the solar panels to absorb direct and indirect radiation on both sides. The head of project development at Enel Green Power Colombia, Adían Dugulan stated: “For Enel Green Power Colombia, receiving this environmental license constitutes a great milestone as it represents the possibility of building the company's second solar farm and the largest under construction. and capacity in the country ". This is going to be the largest and most diversified photovoltaic plant in the energy sector, generating renewable sources. Source: Portfolio: Environmental license granted to the largest solar project in the country 06/24/2021 Source: Bnamericas: Colombia Outlook: Enel Solar Park, Fitch Comment on Merger, Regulatory Update 06/25/2021 Delay in the renewable energy plan of the commitment by Colombia The clean energy plan included by the Government, until today, has presented connection delays and would enter into operation until the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024. This project was created by President Iván Duque, in the installation of Congress on 20 July 2020, the projection was given in order to speed up the development of 27 initiatives of renewable sources and energy transmission. LINK: https://crudotransparente.com/2021/06/28/boletin-semanal-cual-sera-el-futuro-del-sector-de-hidrocarburos-en-colombia/
  9. An intruder will be no match for these mighty, brave and loyal pets. There are many reasons for wanting a watchdog: for personal protection, property protection, or simply to know when a visitor is at the door. Watchdogs sometimes get a bad rap, when in reality, the traits that make them fierce protectors are also the ones that make great pets. According to the American Kennel Club, the best watchdogs are devoted, courageous, and know when to fight an intruder, but that doesn't mean they are aggressive in their daily lives. By providing puppy training, these pets will do everything they can to protect you. Just as important, they will make you feel safe and offer you lots of love and affection. How is the Dogue de Bordeaux, one of the most giant dog breeds According to the Cesar’s Way portal, by the famous dog trainer Cesar Millán, these are some of the best guard dog breeds: Bullmastiff Photo: Pixabay This breed is known for its physical strength, protective instincts, bravery, and extreme family loyalty. If an intruder crosses their path, a bullmastiff will often use his force to punch them over or block their path. In addition, this breed is very docile in the family environment and makes a great companion animal. Doberman Photo: Pexels If you have large property that you are trying to protect, a Doberman is a great watchdog for you. This breed is incredibly agile, fast, and capable of reaching an intruder in a short amount of time. Known as the fifth most intelligent breed of dog in the world, Dobermans are courageous, clever, and very loyal pets. Rottweiler Photo: Unsplash Originally bred as a livestock guardian dog, Rottweilers are known to be the relentless protectors of their pack. They are an intelligent breed and extremely loyal to their owners. They are generally aloof with strangers until properly introduced to them. They are also very clever students. Giant schnauzer Photo: American Kennel Club Giant schnauzers are strong, powerful, and dominant dogs that require strict training. This breed requires a lot of mental and physical stimulation, in addition to demanding constant attention. They are powerful, intense, and intimidating those in front of them. Their extreme family loyalty makes them excellent guard dogs. German shepherd Photo: Unsplash German Shepherds are bold and confident. They are extremely intelligent and quickly learn commands, making them one of the preferred breeds of the police. German Shepherds have a calm demeanor when in your home, but can react quickly when your family or property is threatened. Rhodesian Ridgeback Photo: Public Domain Pictures Originally bred to hunt lions, this dog has a strong prey drive and tends to be independent in the wild. They are loyal and naturally watchdogs. It is selective in its barking so when a Rhodesian crested barks, it should be taken seriously. The Rhodesian Crested Dog must be properly trained and consistently disciplined as it is not naturally obedient. This breed loves cuddles. Staffordshire terrier Photo: Wikimedia Commons Its aggressive and protective nature makes it an excellent watchdog, however it requires proper socialization and training from a puppy. These dogs are magnificent pets, who only know how to be aggressive when the protection of a member of their family is necessary. (F) LINK: https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/sociedad/las-mejores-razas-de-perros-guardianes-nota/
  10. The Italian manufacturer made a commitment to Dorna to produce a competition electric motorcycle capable of winning titles in the Moto E formula. Ducati seemed undecided about the production of electric motorcycles, at least in the medium term, because although in 2019 it was announced that this field would be explored, in April 2021 the vice president of sales of Ducati, Francesco Milicia, referred to the subject : “Will we produce an electric Ducati soon? No. We believe that for the type of machine we produce now, an electric motorcycle cannot guarantee pleasure, range, weight, etc. what the Ducati pilots are waiting for ”. Ducati begins its electric era: it will produce the bikes for the FIM Enel MotoE ™ World Cup starting in the 2023 season. Nobody expected this in the future of Ducati To clarify doubts about caring for the environment and sustainable mobility, the Bologna house argued that synthetic fuels could be a good option, since they are less polluting than traditional fuels and, in addition, motorcycles would not lose the benefits they currently have those of combustion. Despite the above, it seems that by putting the checkbook on the table, at least Dorna's, Ducati would be willing to be the only supplier of electric motorcycles in the FIM World Cup in Moto E, or at least this was stated by the Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta and Ducati CEO Claudio Domenicalli at a special press conference at the Misano World Circuit in recent days. Unlike Enérgica, current Moto E settler, Ducati does not yet have an electric prototype to show, but with this announcement it is committed so that by 2023 there will be high-performance machines for all the riders of the competition, therefore, it is You might think that something is already in progress, since a little more than a year seems to be insufficient to develop a 0 emissions product with these characteristics. Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati and Carmelo Ezpeleta, CEO of Dorna Sports. The approach of this first electric vehicle would be based on lightweight construction, efficiency and a high-tech battery. When asking the executive about the possibility of a motorcycle with these attributes for the general public, he commented that it would not be possible until 2025-2030. “We are eager to see what the future holds and we continue to see this technology develop and grow, with the MotoGP and MotoE paddock continuing to drive innovation and evolution in the motorcycle industry, while creating an incredible track. show ”, Ezpeleta affirmed. Logically this would not be the last word, since Ducati has us used to finding motorcycles with almost the same track performance, but for lovers in general; After all, Ducatistas are willing to pay astronomical figures for machines in this category, as has been demonstrated by the success of special edition launches like the Superleggera V4. LINK: https://publimotos.com/mactualidad/22-mundo/deportes/4794-despues-de-decir-que-no-ducati-se-rinde-ante-las-motos-electricas
  11. It is a fun way to expand our vocabulary. There is a saying that reminds us that "you will not go to bed without knowing one more thing." Well, Google has taken that phrase at face value and wants all of us who use its internet search engine on a daily basis to go to sleep with the peace of mind of having fulfilled that purpose. After all, is there anything more beautiful than going to bed wiser than we wake up? Within this learning that we carry out every day, vocabulary plays a fundamental role because it is what helps us to communicate better and, the more extensive it is, the more accurately we can convey what we want. In this way, we will create fewer dialectical incidents to avoid that whoever listens to us, or reads, understands just the opposite of what we wanted to express. Create alerts to learn words What Google has created is nothing other than the possibility of generating an alert in the search engine, linked to our Gmail account, by which we can tell it to notify us every day to show us a new word, with its respective definition. Something that has been called from Mountain View (and it will seem obvious to you) as the best way to "learn a new word every day". Learn new words every day. Google The funniest thing of all is that after subscribing to this alert system, we will not only receive a word and what it means, but also "some of the interesting facts behind it." You already know, from events that have given rise to that expression or use, to etymological explanations of what the root, origin and even its "use over time" is. To tell Google that we want to know a word every day, we just have to access the dictionary tool within the search engine and activate the bell that we will see. From that moment on, it will send us notifications every 24 hours with a new piece of knowledge ready for us to consult. Of course, at the moment this function will only be available in English, so we will have to wait until it becomes compatible with Spanish. In any case, even being in English it can come in handy if we study it and improve our vocabulary to speak more fluently. Keep in mind that in the notification Google shows us the word chosen that day and the definition, and only if we click on it can we enter the full context of the origin, etymology or use over the years. LINK: https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2021/10/22/lifestyle/1634879701_285016.html
  12. They arrest alias "Otoniel", maximum head of the Clan del Golfo (CNN Spanish) - The top head of the Gulf Clan and the most wanted drug trafficker in Colombia, Dairo Antonio Úsuga, alias "Otoniel," was captured this Saturday, government sources and the National Police told CNN. “This is the hardest blow that drug trafficking has dealt in this century in our country. This blow is only comparable to the fall of Pablo Escobar in the 1990s, "said President Iván Duque in a public statement after the capture. “Killer of policemen, of soldiers, of social leaders. In addition, a recruiter for minors, he is also known for that dementia that led him to repeatedly abuse children and adolescents. He was not only in the cartel of the most wanted for drug trafficking, recruitment, but also for the abuse of minors, "added the Colombian president. Credit: Government of Colombia Credit: Government of Colombia The Clan del Golfo is a feared gang dedicated to drug trafficking and extortion. The group, formerly known as Clan Úsuga, has among its leaders ex-drug traffickers and former paramilitaries and was born after the demobilization of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a far-right paramilitary group, in 2006. The power behind the Gulf Clan Úsuga is also wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). 1 of 6 | Rafael Caro Quintero, called Capo de Capos, is still active and would be, along with Mayo Zambada, leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Reward: $ 20 million 2 of 6 | Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada is believed to have been in charge of the Sinaloa Cartel since El Chapo was recaptured in 2016. He is one of the most wanted suspects in Mexico and the US Reward: US $ 15 million 3 of 6 | Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho" is believed to be the leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel, called one of the most dangerous, according to the Mexican government. Reward: $ 10 million 4 of 6 | Dairo Antonio Úsuga alias "Otoniel" is the top leader of the Gulf Clan and the most wanted drug trafficker in Colombia. "Otoniel" was recently captured. Reward: up to $ 5 million 5 of 6 | Dominican Julio "Alex" Díaz is on the DEA's most wanted list for allegedly possessing heroin, fentanyl and cocaine with the intention of distributing. 6 of 6 | Jesús Alfredo Guzmán, the son of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is wanted for allegedly possessing controlled substances with the intention of distributing. He and other members of the Gulf Clan are accused of operating ongoing criminal enterprises, participating in international cocaine trafficking conspiracies and using firearms to further drug trafficking crimes. For the capture of him, the United States offers a reward of 5 million dollars. Duque says that the capture of "Otoniel" is comparable to that of Pablo Escobar LINK: https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/10/23/captura-alias-otoniel-jefe-del-clan-del-golfo-narcotraficante-colombia/
  13. CNN) - The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote Thursday to declare Steve Bannon, one of former President Donald Trump's closest allies, in criminal contempt of Congress after he challenged a subpoena from the commission investigating the January 6 insurrection in the Capitol. The action marks a significant escalation in how far they are willing to go to reprimand people who refuse to cooperate as they investigate the violent attack that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which Democrat Joe Biden prevailed over Trump. On Tuesday night, members of the commission lashed out at Bannon for refusing to cooperate with the panel's investigation, warning that he is "isolated" in doing so as other witnesses are working with the panel. "We want Bannon to respond" "Our goal is simple: we want Mr. Bannon to answer our questions. We want him to turn over all documents that he has that are relevant to the commission's investigation," said the president, Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, in his opening speech. Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, one of the two Republicans on the commission, said during the meeting that "it appears that Mr. Bannon had substantial advance knowledge of the January 6 plans and probably played a significant role in the formulation of those plans ". "The American people are entitled to Mr. Bannon's first-hand testimony on all of these relevant facts," she said. Steve Bannon, former Trump adviser, was arrested 2:52 Bannon has previously argued that he cannot cooperate with the committee until issues of executive privilege enjoyed by the president of the United States are resolved by the courts. His attorney has said that "executive privilege belongs to President Trump" and "we must accept his direction and honor his invocation of executive privilege." "The clear fact here is that Mr. Bannon has no legal right to ignore the commission's subpoena," Cheney said Tuesday. Next steps after the vote Following the plenary vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to certify the report to the District of Columbia attorney. By law, this certification requires the United States attorney to "bring the matter before the grand jury for action," but the Department of Justice will also make its own determinations for prosecution. "I hope the House will swiftly approve this referral to the Justice Department and that the US attorney will do his duty and prosecute Mr. Bannon for criminal contempt of Congress," Thompson said Tuesday. The US attorney's office in Washington issued a statement on Thursday's vote, saying the Justice Department "will evaluate the matter based on the facts and the law." Twitter permanently suspends Steve Bannon's account 0:40 "If the House of Representatives certifies a citation for criminal contempt, the Department of Justice, as with all criminal referrals, will evaluate the matter based on the facts and the law, consistent with the Principles of Federal Prosecution," he said. Bill Miller, a spokesman for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia. Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to appear as a witness at a House court hearing Thursday morning focused on oversight of the Justice Department. Anyone found liable for contempt of Congress would be guilty of a crime that can carry a fine and between one and 12 months in prison. But this process is rarely invoked and rarely leads to jail. A process that could take years Charging Bannon for criminal contempt through prosecution could take years, and historically, criminal contempt cases have been thwarted by appeals and acquittals. As a result, the Chamber's search for criminal charges may be more about making an example of Bannon and sending a message to other potential witnesses. "I want our witnesses to understand something very clearly. If they are thinking of following the path that Mr. Bannon has followed, they are aware that this is what they will face," Thompson said Tuesday. "The process we have started tonight is serious. It rarely happens and we would prefer to avoid it altogether, but it is not reserved only for Steve Bannon. If other witnesses challenge this committee, if they do not cooperate, we will return to this room with a new report with the names of anyone who mistakenly believes that he is above the law. " LINK: https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/10/21/camara-representantes-estados-unidos-steve-bannon-desacato-trax/
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  14. The Dukes of Cambridge, among exotic animals (CNN) - Staff at a UK wildlife hospital were shocked when they responded to a call about an unusual creature, which turned out to be an aggressive and deadly snake. A call from a local masonry company alerted a team of animal experts to a stowaway snake that arrived in a shipping container from India, the South Essex Wildlife Hospital explained in a series of messages on Twitter. "As it was identified as a saw-scale viper and as we had one before, we fully understood the seriousness of how dangerous these reptiles are, they are high up in the top few of the deadliest snakes," the hospital wrote. Sawscale vipers are found in arid regions and dry savannas north of the equator, across Africa, Saudi Arabia, and southwestern Asia to India and Sri Lanka. The team put the deadly snake in a box and sealed the room with duct tape to be safe. These snakes, which reach up to a meter in length, are considered very dangerous due to their irritable and aggressive nature and their lethal venom. In the regions where they are found, these creatures are believed to be responsible for more human deaths than all other snake species combined. When agitated, the saw-scale vipers move slowly, their bodies curled into S-shaped folds, rubbing their scales to emit their characteristic hiss. Qantas faces another challenge from the pandemic: chasing away the snakes that nest in its immobilized planes Hospital founder Sue Schwar told CNN that the people who found the snake were "very lucky" not to have died. "Being a reptile and having probably spent many, many weeks in a container. It was probably quite cold, which was lucky for them, because reptiles need to warm up to be active," she said. "At the time, thank goodness, she was probably quite tame, but she was already quite aggressive when the team picked her up." Although authorities were called in, no one came, so the hospital had to send reptile experts to pick up "the very agitated and aggressive animal before someone was likely to die," the South Essex Wildlife Hospital said. The team managed to get the animal into a locked box and tape-sealed the room it was in and posted warning signs waiting for it to be picked up by a suitable facility, they said. "We are glad that we don't have to deal with poisonous creatures too often, but we are saddened by the snake for not being able to release it and bring it back home," added the wild animal hospital. LINK: https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/10/21/serpiente-letal-agitada-contenedor-reino-unido-trax/
  15. News from Japan comes from the hand of the new Honda NT1100 2022, a motorcycle that starts from the base of the Africa Twin, with features that make it a first-rate adventurer. This new member of the golden wing family has been created from scratch, at least in appearance. It is a motorcycle that can be enjoyed in everyday life but that can be fully squeezed out when leaving the cities. For this reason, the work on the aerodynamic part as well as the ergonomic part has been very important. From the factory it comes with wind deflectors on the upper and lower part of the side fairing to protect the arms and legs from the force of the wind. It also has a protective dome on the front that can be adjusted in 5 positions in height and angle. It has a LED system in the lighting part, suitcases integrated into the motorcycle that have been designed to be the thinnest. The volume on the left is 33 liters and on the right 32 L. Her sister's inheritances As we initially told you in this note, the Honda NT1100 2022 has the base of the Africa Twin. This means that it mounts the same 1,084cc parallel twin engine with a power of 100 HP at 7,250 rpm and a maximum torque of 104 Nm at 6,250 rpm. This also implies that it has the double clutch transmission system, DCT, that is to say that there are no changes to be made during the march. Of course, this is compounded by the two modes, manual and automatic, depending on the driver's preference. Likewise, if the price is above the customer's possibilities, the customer may dispense with the DCT system with the manual version. Honda NT1100 2022 The electronic throttle, the HSTC and the anti wheelie are added to the package. Like most female travelers of the moment, it has three driving modes, and a fourth called User, which allows the pilot to customize the parameters to their liking. The African double cradle chassis is also present in this model, as is the aluminum subframe. What's new in the 2022 Honda NT1100 What is new about the whole is the issue of the suspensions that have been replaced, if we compare it with Africa. The 2022 Honda NT1100 features a 43mm adjustable Showa brand inverted front suspension with 150mm travel. In the back, a Showa monoshock is responsible for this aspect, which is ideal for carrying a passenger and cargo. It is also adjustable in preload, hydraulically remotely. Brakes Nissin brought the bike to a stop, with an ABS-controlled set, four-piston radial anchor calipers and 310mm discs at the front. As for the rear braking, it is in charge of a 256 mm disc with a single piston caliper. The wheels of the bike are 17 ″ front and rear. The inevitable The dash is a 6.5 ″ TFT touch screen. To descrest of many there are three ways to see the information. Gold where we see all the numerical information, Silver that lets us see the speedometer and the lap counter and Bronze only the lap counter. By varying there are several color configurations for each one to define with which one best sees the data. Honda NT1100 2022 The USB port, connectivity for different operating systems, directional that turn off themselves, central jack and ACC socket as standard. It is worth saying that not in all models, the central jack is standard, so it seems to us an important plus. Accessories As always there is an important range of technological "toys" and accessories to complement the model. From the quickshifter with autoblipper, fog lights, Comfort footrests, to a tank bag or bag over the tank. Honda NT1100 2022 Measures The seat is 820mm high, the ready-to-roll weight is 238kg and if you have the DCT it is 248kg. The wheelbase is 1,535 mm. The colors that will hit the market are three, Iridium Gray Matte Metallic, Pearl Glare White and Graphite Black. They have not yet shared the arrival data to the showcases, much less the price. LINK: https://www.demotos.com.co/noticias-de-motos/honda-nt1100-2022/
  16. Spain already entered that program at the end of August The truth is that the last days are not being especially happy for the social network. Since the outage of the service a week ago, everything seems to be bad news, especially after the statements of Frances Haugen, which they call "deep throat" that is uncovering some of the darkest secrets of the company. But those problems that question the good work of Mark Zuckerberg come from afar, as well as Facebook's intention to reduce social tension by resorting to a resource as simple as it is to reduce the presence of political spaces and content in our feed of news. Since February of this year, when it implemented measures in the US, new countries have joined this strategy. Have you noticed the changes? Facebook has just announced that these measures to reduce the presence of political news in users' news feeds will be extended to 74 countries. According to the social network, "We are expanding the political content rating tests to more countries around the world. As we gain more valuable information from these tests, we will share updates on what we are learning and continue to make appropriate changes." Less political news on Facebook. Facebook In the case of Spain, since last August 31 we have been enjoying these Facebook measures in some timelines where (supposedly) the presence of political information has been reduced. We do not know if that is the perception that you have or if you think that your feed of updates is maintained as always, with the same contacts talking about practically the same thing and receiving reviews and links to news. These changes that arrived at the beginning of the year were caused, according to the social network, by the interest of exploring "a variety of ways to classify political content in people's feeds using different signals" to then decide "the approaches that we will use in the future. " Undoubtedly, behind all these movements are the accusations that he is receiving that they are an engine of division in society and a danger to democracy itself. Not surprisingly, it is thanks to that same line of thought, that the investigations of public institutions in the US or Europe are piling up in which the role of the social network in the recent events that we are experiencing is being analyzed and if, At this point, it is necessary to limit its scope. Surely, measures like this to lower the political content in the feed go in that direction to mitigate the impact of the social network. LINK: https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2021/10/14/lifestyle/1634185864_069217.html
  17. This is how covid vaccines would be combined with booster doses (CNN) - A booster dose of Pfizer / BioNTech's covid-19 vaccine is highly effective (95.6%) in a phase 3 trial, the companies announced Thursday. They noted that "efficacy was consistent regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, or comorbid conditions." The trial included more than 10,000 fully vaccinated people, ages 16 and older, who were randomly given either the 30-microgram booster dose of the vaccine or a placebo. The average time between completing their second initial dose of vaccine and receiving a booster or placebo was about 11 months, the companies said. Pfizer and BioNTech reported that, during the study, there were 109 cases of Covid-19 among people who received a placebo and five cases among those who received the third dose of the vaccine. The companies noted that the efficacy of the vaccine they found, of 95.6%, reflects that reduction in disease among those who received a booster shot versus those who did not. Latin America is playing it by booster dose with messenger RNA. It is safe? These are the first results of a randomized, controlled booster trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the companies said, and reflect a period in which the highly contagious delta variant was prevalent. "These results provide further evidence of the benefits of boosters, as our goal is to keep people well protected against this disease," said Albert Bourla, Pfizer president and CEO, in a press release Thursday. "In addition to our efforts to increase access and global acceptance among the unvaccinated, we believe that booster doses have a critical role to play in addressing the current public health threat from this pandemic," Bourla said. "We look forward to sharing this data with health authorities and working together to determine how it can be used to support the launch of booster doses around the world." USA: Recommend booster doses of J&J 3:21 vaccine Booster dose and combination In September, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer / BioNtech coronavirus vaccine for emergency use in adults 65 years of age and older, adults at high risk for severe COVID-19. and adults with frequent exposure to coronavirus through their work. Then this Wednesday, the FDA authorized the Pfizer / BioNTech booster for those who may be eligible but are fully vaccinated with the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccines, as a combination approach. Today, vaccine advisers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, are meeting to decide whether to recommend the recent FDA combination clearance, as well as the clearance Modern and J&J reinforcements, and then the CDC director will decide whether to approve the ACIP guidance. LINK: https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2021/10/21/dosis-refuerzo-vacuna-covid-pfizer-eficacia-trax/
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