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[[Template core/front/profile/profileHeader is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. RO Intra in scripting , deschide fisierul.sma numit admincmd , cauta comanda amx_who , o sa iti apara asa: Dezactiveaza amx_who din admincmd , adica asa: Apoi , salvezi si copilezi fisierul modificat pe care il reuploadezi in plugins. Deci tu trebuie sa dezactivezi comanda default a serverului pentru amx_who si sa o pui pe a ta. ================================================================== EN Click on scripting folder and open the file named admincmd. Search the amx_who command: Disable amx_who from the admincmd, as below: Then save and compile the modified .sma file. You must disable the default amx_who command of server, and you replace with your own. \Good luck! Adi [ak Mr.Love] - administrator CsBlackDevil Community

    If you want to be banned, just try me.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shyloo


      it's so hard to gain loyalty staff

    3. Askor lml

      Askor lml

      Interesting, theory and if you are afraid to show your face, do not do that nonsense

    4. E̶l̶s̶y̶d̶e̶o̶n̶ッ


      well with all due respect I am not afraid and I am not an idiot as you think but I will not say anything more I will just watch the csbd as it goes up or down.

  3. Tomorrow I will go back home.

    Be ready for some updates and new rules.

    I see that if I am a good guy, you start to make jokes with me.


    1. [M]anuel


      Remember that not everyone knows how to differentiate between (Friendship / Work / And Respect)

  4. v2. [ v1 has a small mistake on the left foot ]
  5. When girls are visiting your forum profile, but you are married.

    Doctor Who Reaction GIF

    @Aysha & @Drama queen



  6. 5th/64 

    CSBD2 - secondary team!

    Happy to be placed in top 5 on the first CSGO Competition this autumn!







  7. thief GIF

    1. SKYFALL
    2. SKYFALL
    3. ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      ⚡ Ciprian ✔

      Bă îmi este dor de clipele frumoase care era o data, chiar daca uneori era raimea aceia care servar este mai bun, chiar daca ne mai certam trecea timpul altfel au fost multe momente frumoase aici si uneori sa fim seriosi cu toti ca love ne intelegea si ne ajuta l am pus in o spatamna sa reinstaleze newlifezm de 20 de ori se mai supara  mai imi ținea teorie dar o facea pana la urma.. love era tipul de om bani ca bani dar nu suporta tradarea si spun asta finca eu am fost clientul lui 2 ani de zile daca vruiam eu sa ii las ceva acolo de bine daca nu nu dar nu au fost probleme gen sa ii platesc si sa se faca ca uita sau eu la fel ne am inteles 

      Deci aici nu e vorba de bani pt ca in 2019 streetzm a renuntat la sv lui love sa vina cu toti la mn, si love a pierdut o plata lunara de la profesorul si icet.. daca era vorba de bani putea sa ii baneze pe toti atunci sa nu vina la mn, dar love le a spus doar atata daca va certati si nu va intelegeti cu ciprian si ciprian imi spune sa va scot gradele eu asa fac... deci aici a fost vorba de tradarea toata lumea a fost cu ochi sa copie addonas original si sa isi faca o comumitate si sa fure membri de aici nu i frumos...

      Totusi mie dor de toti si de tradatori si de prieteni mie dor sa fim toti cum eram o data sa mai ma cert cu skfall sa mai stric sv sa il stresez pe.love :))) nu il stricam intentionat doar mi se parea mie ca trb imbunatatit 

  8. Let's talk a little bit about forum theme.
  9. Angrry.exe™ - unbanned because of no proofs.

    Sorry for the inconveniences.

  10. Untitled.png


    Thinking to some changes....

    Cartoon Thinking GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sxynix


      2014 - 2015 theme are the best forver 🙂 

    3. .Naruto.


      !!! I"m Agree with your Idea & opinion Mr.Love Because All Help & Like your Hard Worker That's CSBD Community Will Become The Most Enjoy About The World !!!



      Im Out Amy Poehler GIF by FOX TV

    4. King_of_lion
  11. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  12. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  13. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  14. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  15. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  16. Accepted as Moderator! Good luck!
  17. My computer got bored of me today....

    So good night!

    Next days I have some surprises for you!

    goal GIF by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers

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