bro srsly, you are funny and pathetic. Frankly, I pity you. You use cut the screenshoots and incomplete and incomplete evidence, and then you talk to the managers in the server as if you are the owner of the server and the managers, and you threaten the manager. I don’t know, do you consider yourself the manager here and we are your slaves? You act as if you are the king and we are slaves and we must obey your command, and if you do not like the map we must change it. Were you really fully conscious when you made this report?
And when I became me survival I was afk then dead and I said I was late :v and you said from fear
You are mocking us as if you are the owner of the server
The second time, Mad Bot warned you, and Ninja also warned you to be polite and not to be impolite, but you did not do so. you still insist on being impolite and behaving as if you were the owner of the server.
And @WHAT IS GOING ON warned you before and I know you remember that very well,
Last time, you threatened me, saying, “You are a failed boxer,” and mocking me in discord and @Storm Razor kicked you because your bad behavior
Your argument is weak, there is no clear evidence from you, and the pictures are cropped and not complete.