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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2019 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. A new server competing with the best servers PGLZM 32/32 and NewlifeZm 32/32 Really wonderful thing and all this thanks All ...... managers who are changing what they can to become a better server : @Assassin Senior J @Mr.baba™ @ReVoX™ @Cartman @3nz0 @.::ArMaGeDDoN::. @N!Nj@ WaRR!oR Really great business my friends And we are not forgetting @The Scud Which is all thanks to him .... Thanks Bro !!
    3 points
  3. welcome back bro @REVAN pls give legends administrator
    2 points
  4. @FearLess wher are your photo ? i think you are kid xd ?
    2 points
  5. @# I S S A M - CSBD™ u mean server PGLZM The same a server Newlifezm bcz server PGLZM have so much bots :v https://imgur.com/a/coED0Vi Because they bots enter at the same time Soon gametracker of server PGLzm will get banned
    2 points
  6. xDDD hhhhh only arabis people who can understand this ?
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. Where are the Latins aaaaaaa -.-
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Pro u have good activity but u have to be careful next time
    1 point
  18. I did not want them removed, with a suspension enough, you have to be aware of the rules brother, you are a former member of the server PRO
    1 point
  19. pro. waiting @*NewLife-Ciprian* reply..
    1 point
  20. Pro i give u chance i Hope @*NewLife-Ciprian* give u chance and back u ...
    1 point
  21. Joc: Counter Strike 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): Zm.CsBlackDevil.Com Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: Zombie Plague Contact proprietar, administrator ( Skype / Steam): Skype: ignore.cshellworld Detin un addons propriu foarte bine pus la punct, pluginuri private si as dorii sa il deschid in comunitatea dumneavoastra, deoarece este foarte bine structurata, cunoscuta si indicata pentru un server de zombie plague. Detin o mica parte din staff care s-au inregistrat pe forum toti dar desigur ca inca sunt in cautare de inca 2, 3 baieti seriosi.
    1 point
  22. From Marie Claire Close your eyes and picture the personification of "royal grace and sophistication." Did you picture Kate Middleton? Because that would be totally fair. The Duchess of Cambridge is, in many ways, the epitome of the royal ideal. While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are out holding hands in public like heathens, Kate and her love, Prince William, are pretty royal classic when it comes to decorum and rule-following. Turns out, however, that the royal family matriarch, Queen Elizabeth II, wasn't always so sure about Kate and her lifestyle choices. In fact, according to Express, royal expert and biographer Katie Nicholl said that the Queen expressed “grave concerns” about Kate back in the day, even going so far as to criticize Kate's "unpalatable" "frivolous displays of wealth." Oh, and she thought it was kind of lazy and unbecoming that Kate didn't have a full-time job after college. According to Nicholl, the Queen, who was-and is-still one of the "hardest-working Royals, despite her age" felt like the fact that "a future member of the family was without a full-time job was unacceptable." YIKES. Is anyone else curling up into fetal position on Kate's behalf right now? Because, to paraphrase the immortal words of Cher Horowitz, "Way harsh, Liz." Kate was reportedly super hurt by the comments (which, duh), but was advised to "hold her tongue" because talking back to your future grandmother-in-law is never a great plan, but it's even worse when she's the Queen of England and legally has say over who your fiancé marries. Apparently, the Queen thought Kate and her love of lavish holidays was a bad ~lewk~ for the royal family, considering the state of the British economy at the time. "If Kate was not with William at Balmoral then the couple were skiing or holidaying on Mustique," Nicholl wrote of Will and Kate, according to Express. "Britain was now in recession and such frivolous displays of wealth were unpalatable to the Queen." So how did Kate and the Queen mend the rift in their relationship? Apparently, the Queen "quietly suggested" that Kate start working with a charity and the future Duchess of Cambridge took the, um, advice to heart. She promptly got involved with Starlight, a charity that works with seriously and terminally ill children, and it seemed to do the trick because, these days, Kate and the Queen are all, "Feud? What feud?"
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. finally after one month of active i did it manager newlifezm)))
    1 point
  26. Stop asking for Ex-Staff if you had Moderator/Global Moderator for 3 minutes. The grade was added for those who really helped the community.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Deep Silver şi Dambuster Studios au confirmat datele de lansare pentru Homefront: The Revolution, cel de-al doilea joc al seriei care pleacă de la premisa conform căreia Statele Unite ale Americii au fost invadate de Coreea de Nord. Astfel, Homefront: The Revolution va fi lansat pe 17 mai 2016 în America de Nord, urmând ca Europa şi restul teritoriilor să primească jocul pe 20 mai 2016. Cu această ocazie, a fost lansat şi un trailer nou, pe care îl puteţi urmări în continuare. Acţiunea din Homefront: The Revolution va avea loc în anul 2029, când forţele invadatoare nord-coreene deja conduc cu mână de fier teritoriile americane. Povestea va avea loc în statul american Philadelphia, unde jucătorul va fi nevoit să pună bazele unei forţe de rezistenţă şi să pornească revoluţia împotriva asupritorilor comunişti. Spre deosebire de predecesor, Homefront: The Revolution se va baza pe un mediu de joc open-world, producătorii lăudându-se că luptele şi schimburile de focuri vor fi dinamice, fără a fi scriptate în prealabil. Nu va lipsi nici modul de joc cooperativ online. Lansarea lui Homefront: The Revolution va fi precedată de o sesiune de testare beta deschisă exclusiv utilizatorilor de Xbox One. Pentru o şansă de a participa în acest beta test (locurile vor fi limitate), va puteţi înscrie aici. Homefront: The Revolution va fi lansat în Europa pe 20 mai 2016, în versiuni pentru PlayStation 4, Xbox One şi PC.
    1 point
  29. SABER Effect: download final image:
    1 point
  30. 1 point
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