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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello Enemy Dear CsBlackDevil Enemy this time to say you every one bye bye learn so Dont forget to Smile! i hope I never Come back #HOPE THAT DONT FORGET ME! #REMEMBER ME IN YOUR PRAYS! GOOD BYE EVERYONE AGAIN! MISS YOU ALL FRIENDS MY ALL FRIEND IS HERE BUT MY ALL ENEMY IS HERE TO MUCH FAN
    1 point
  2. Sorry , i will edit your mind We don't have enemies in CsBlackDevil , we're family here not enemies i hope you forgive every one offended to you because we have no enmity for each other in our community anyway , Good Luck in your life .
    1 point
  3. Gheorghe Botezatu s-a născut în Gubernia Basarabia (avand nationalitate romana), la 7 iunie 1882. A urmat cursurile liceale din Chișinău, după care s-a înscris la cele universitare de la Iași și Harkov. Au urmat o serie de specializări la Universitatea Göttingen și Universitatea Humboldt din Berlin.[3] A plecat, în anul 1911, în Franța unde-și ia doctoratul la Sorbona cu teza „Étude de la stabilité de l’aéroplane”, unde este recunoscut ca fiind primul om care a făcut un astfel de studiu în domeniul aviației. Pleacă în Statele Unite ale Americii unde devine director al Laboratorului de Aerodinamică și profesor la Universitatea din Dayton, Ohio. Ulterior, a semnat un contract cu Ar[CENSORED] SUA prin care se angajează a construi unul dintre cele mai mari elicoptere ale timpului, totul pentru suma fabuloasă de 10.000 de dolari anual. Proiectul este ținut "secret", cu toate că piloții de încercare au zburat cu elicopterul pe deasupra hangarului unde se făceau cercetările. Elicopterul a fost denumit „Caracatița zburătoare” și a zburat de mai multe ori la altitudine mică și distanțe scurte, pentru prima dată în 18 decembrie 1922 (două minute la 1,8 metri) și 23 ianuarie 1923 (la 1,2 metri și 1,8 metri cu doi pasageri la bord). „Caracatița zburătoare” avea patru elice, fiecare având șase pale cu un diametru de 8,1 metri și avea 1.678 kilograme. Muzeul Național al Aerului și al Spațiului din Washington expune și astăzi părți din elicopterul său. Gheorghe Botezatu a fost si sef de echipa la Misiunea Apollo. Gheorghe Botezatu was born in Bessarabia Governorate (Romanian nationality), 7 June 1882. He attended high school in Chisinau, then enrolled at the university in Iasi and Kharkov. A series of specializations at the University of Göttingen and Berlin Humboldt University. [3] He left in 1911 in France where he obtained his doctorate at the Sorbonne thesis on "Etude de l'airplane to determine" where it is recognized as the first man to do such a study aviation. They get in the United States where he became director of the Laboratory of Aerodynamics and professor at the University of Dayton, Ohio. Subsequently signed a contract with the US Army pledging to build one of the largest helicopter of the time, all for the fabulous sum of $ 10,000 annually. The project is kept "secret", although test pilots flew by helicopter over the hangar where the research is done. The helicopter was called "Flying Octopus" and flew several times at low altitude and short distances for the first time in December 18, 1922 (two minutes at 1.8 meters) and 23 January 1923 (from 1.2 meters to 1 8 meters with two passengers on board). "Flying Octopus" had four propellers, each having six blades with a diameter of 8.1 meters and had 1678 kg. National Museum of Air and Space in Washington today expose parts of his helicopter. Gheorghe Botezatu was team leader at the Apollo Mission.
    1 point
  4. Insomniac Games, responsible for Sunset Ratchet & Clank series Overdrive and announced his new video game, Song of the Deep. He is to be released as early as this spring, for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, to $ 14.99. Song of the Deep belongs to the genus 2D Metroidvania action, secrets and puzzles, and follows the stories of underwater Merryn, who wants to find his father. It will navigate the deep ocean in a submarine customizable, sonar, lasers and harpoon. The story will be told through comic and gameplay, and many elements of the levels are drawn "by hand".
    1 point
  5. Hello Guys, Dear CsBlackDevil Friends,Staff,Members this time to say you every one bye bye because i''ve a study now and after exams i think i cant come back because in others classes have a more big study to learn so Dont forget to Smile! i hope the 1 day come that i'll be back on csbd! #HOPE THAT DONT FORGET ME! #REMEMBER ME IN YOUR PRAYS! GOOD BYE EVERYONE AGAIN! SEE YOU AGAIN CSBLACKDEVIL IF I'LL BE ALIVE! MISS YOU ALL FRIENDS P.S: I dont add friends in miss you friends because here in csbd all are my friends!
    1 point
  6. Let's take a trip back in time to when Shacknews spoke to Starbreeze Studios' Almir Listo about Payday 2. During our interview, Shacknews asked about any potential collaborations and received this response: "I can tell you right now though, that we have one collaboration that will catch everyone off-guard. We're laughing as we're developing it. We hope the Payday community will enjoy the collaboration as much as we did making it happen. Considering what Payday 2's already thrown out there, what could possibly be so unexpec... Oh, there it is! The newest Goat Simulator DLC blends together the crazy open world chaos game with Overkill's heist game. Players will control a goat crew to ransack a giant casino called Mahatma Gambling. Other jobs will be available thorugh the PRANKNET system, a database that connects goats with underworld contacts. There are also some other unlockables available throughout the course of the downloadable campaign. The Goat Simulator: Payday DLC is available now on Steam with a trailer available below. But wait? What about Payday 2? Well, Payday 2 is also getting some Goat Simulator-related content in the form of the the Payday 2: Goat Simulator Heist. This will be a special two-day heist, in which the Payday crew heads over to hijack a cocaine truck only to find a different kind of cargo. The second day will see the crew attempting to extract this new cargo, assuming they can keep it all under control. This new DLC will include some new weapons, new songs, and new Goat Simulator-themed masks. The Payday 2: Goat Simulator Heist is also available now on Steam. To see just how this crossover is going to work, check out the heist page and watch the trailer below.
    1 point
  7. After 2015, the last thing I ever wanted to see was another open world game. These time-leeches feel like they have infiltrated just about every other major release from the past few years, and quite frankly I’m exhausted. So that should ultimately stand as a testament to how fantastic Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen can be that hours into this sprawling adventure, the last thing I felt was tired. Originally released for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 many moons ago, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is an fantasy action RPG that borrows shades from Capcom’s Monster Hunter series and From Software’s Dark Souls, combining these elements and many more to create a world that is at times bizarre, dangerous, and always memorable. Arguably the biggest disappointment marring the original release was that Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen was simply too ambitious for the hardware at the time. The performance issues plaguing each version on consoles weren’t devastating to the whole experience but they absolutely held it back from being truly great. Fortunately, many of these problems are fixed by the PC version. During my time with Dragon’s Dogma, the game ran at a silky 60 frames per second, and some of the new graphical options and uncompressed textures look remarkably better than the washed out console versions. dragons dogma dark arisen insert3Dragon’s Dogmafrom showing the wrinkles of its age and limitations made to make the experience fit on last generation consoles. Uncompressed textures can make certain assets, like armour, look pretty great, but overall the character models and landscape look especially dated. Loading screens between zones can still be longer than I would have hoped, and characters popping into the environment at short distances is still an issue but nowhere near as bad as it was on console. You won’t have to wait five seconds for vendors to load when strolling the streets of Gran Soren, but I was still disappointed with the way enemies would sometimes appear only feet in front of me. Though the game was obviously designed to be played with a controller, and many would still prefer it, I found playing with a keyboard and mouse to be surprisingly enjoyable and easy after adjusting to some of its quirks. Though some keys can be remapped, certain keys for navigating menus can’t, which is disappointing as the menus weren’t well built for keyboard and mouse use. These little foibles aren’t terribly annoying though, and after a few hours I was comfortably navigating the menu even if I was having to reach to hit keys on the other end of the keyboard. It’s a relief to say that the PC port of Dragon’s Dogma is as good as it is (even if it could still be better) because it means very little can come between enjoying one of the most unique and original RPGs released in the last few years. If you, like me, are exhausted by the proliferation of boring open world tropes like pointless filler content that constantly barrages you in an effort to keep you playing well after the credits have rolled, you’ll be happy to know that Dragon’s Dogma avoids many of these tired designs almost entirely. Without a doubt, exploration and combat are the pillars that hold the whole experience up. The world of Gran Soren is a vast place to explore and so delightfully bursting with secrets and treasures that I felt compelled to explore every nook and cranny on the map. If you spy an inviting looking ledge you can jump to, chances are a treasure chest is waiting to reward you. Combat remains the single best aspect of Dragon’s Dogma, so much so that it’s almost disappointing how few games have repurposed it. With a handful of classes to choose from and swap between at will (and more that combine two playstyles like the Magic Archer or Mystic Knight), each represents a unique and rewarding playstyle. Whether you’re throwing fireballs as a mage or scaling a towering ogre as a ranger, each discipline is worth investing in. dragons dogma dark arisen insert5Hacking and slashing your way through hordes of enemies is fun, but Dragon’s Dogma is at its best when you’re battling against the monstrously large foes of Gran Soren like vicious chimeras, golems, and griffins. Each will need proper strategies in order to kill effectively and many will push your skills to the absolute limit. Combat in Dragon’s Dogma can frequently be white-knuckle hard, as enemies tear through your defenses effortlessly. But climbing onto the back of a cyclops and ramming your sword into its eye, riding it down as it tumbles to the ground, is a thrilling moment you’ll want to experience again and again. If Dragon’s Dogma has any major faults, they mostly lie within how bland and forgettable the story can be. Any promise hinted at in the opening cutscene is mostly abandoned until the final moments of the game, which almost makes up for the hours of forgettable characters and nonsensical plot to deliver a finale that is positively bonkers. If you’re a fan of absurdity, Dragon’s Dogma has a pleasant surprise awaiting you. The Dark Arisen expansion adds another 15 hours to the adventure in the form of a new island for you to test your mettle. But honestly, I doubt few will ever reach the lower depths of Bitterblack Isle. The experience can be so punishing, so fist-shakingly brutal, that it will remain an experience for only the most devoted and stalwart of players. Dark Arisen does add a host of improvements to the base game which I do find myself conflicted over. Features like the danger of being stuck outside when night falls are trivialized by freely given items that allow you to fast travel around the world. They used to be a resource that you’d have to purchase for quite a sum of money, but now you’re free to teleport around the map at your leisure, which harms the adventurous feel of the game. New armor sets provided at the beginning of the game can also trivialize the growth of your characters as they outclass other items until much later in your journey. But even in the face of these issues, I cannot help but smile every time I think about Dragon’s Dogma. Even if every new idea presented doesn’t always work or make sense, there is still so much originality and adventure at its heart that I’m inclined to overlook those moments of frustration. As open world games continue to cross-pollinate into one breed of the same, Dragon’s Dogma is endearingly quirky, flawed, and, above all else, fun.
    1 point
  8. Homefront: The Revolution is among the most anticipated games releasing this year on consoles and PC. The team stated last year that development of the game was going at full speed, but nothing has been said about a release date. Something new on the matter, however, has emerged online earlier today thanks to US retailer Target. According to PlayStation Trophies, Homefront: The Revolution is going to be released on May 17th in North America. The release date has been revealed by a Reservation Card that Target is giving to those who put down a 1$ deposit to pre-order the game. As the release date has yet to be confirmed officially by publisher Deep Silver, we must treat this as a rumor until an official confirmation comes in. Back in November during the Paris Games Week, WCCFtech had the chance to talk with Homefront: The Revolution Senior Narrative Designer CJ Kershner, who has revealed some interesting details on the game. Mr. Kershner confirmed that the team was shooting for 1080p, 30 FPS for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game. The PC version, on the other hand, won’t feature any lock. Homefront: The Revolution is an open world first person shooter game set in 2029, two years after the events of the original Homefront. In the new game, players will follow protagonist Ethan Brady as he stages a resistance movement against the Korean invasion of Philadelphia.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. happy birthday boss of csblackdevil industries
    1 point
  11. Welcome to our Team Enjoy your stay Have fun!
    1 point
  12. Ever wondered what it would feel like to grapple onto a moving missile and ride it, or hijack an airborne plane and nosedive it into a military compound or simply tether an enemy soldier to moving traffic? Just Cause 3 is a game that allows players to experience all that and much more. Just Cause franchise puts players in control of Rico Rodriguez, a one man army who specializes in overthrowing military dictators through chaos and destruction as an agent of American “Agency”. Just Cause 3 finds Rico leaving The Agency and returning to his homeland of Medici, a fictional Mediterranean island, which is under the control of General Di Ravello. The game’s narrative follows Rico’s journey, as he meets former friends, new acquaintances and hordes of soldiers in his quest of helping the fledgling rebels to liberate Medici from Di Ravello’s fascist dictatorship. From the game’s 80’s action movie vibe to never ending supply of quips and one-liners from NPCs and Rico’s flamboyant Latin Hero archetype, everything in Just Cause 3’s narrative is over the top. Just like its predecessors, the game’s story does not take itself too seriously and is not the focal point of the Just Cause 3 experience. The main focus of Just Cause 3 is in allowing players the tools and ability to create unscripted, on the fly, action set pieces. While an open world third person shooter at heart, Just Cause 3 focuses less on standard shooting mechanics and more on maneuverability and creating chaos and destruction through its physics engine. The game is structured around 3 large island regions which are split into different provinces containing military bases, outposts and towns. Liberating these settlements around Medici, via destroying chaos objects, opens up different challenges, missions and miscellaneous opportunities. Other than destroying enemy targets, Just Cause 3’s missions also include glorified fetch quests requiring wading through heavy armed resistance and escort missions requiring Rico to protect NPCs from waves of enemies. Aside from main missions and challenges, the game world is peppered with random encounters that lead to short missions that are akin to save-the-citizen missions from Spiderman 2 from PS2 days. While the diversity in type of missions available in Just Cause 3 might not seem like much, the true gameplay variety comes from the unstructured nature of achieving each mission and the plethora of tools and abilities at players’ disposal to achieve their goals. Just Cause 3 features a huge map that while comparable to Just Cause 2’s map area, features more volumetric depth by introducing landscapes like caves and subterranean caverns. This makes traversal a crucial gameplay factor and thus the most important ability in the game is the huge assortment of ways available to the player for traversing the game’s 400 square mile map. From tractors to sports cars and helicopters to motorboats, Just Cause 3 features around 80 different types of vehicles for players to collect and operate, however the thing that separates Just Cause 3 from other open world sandbox games like GTA is the use of traversal items. Returning from Just Cause 2 is Rico’s ability to use the grappling hook to grab on to any surface and quickly pull himself towards his destination as well as the use of parachute to float his way down from great heights and low. While this combination of traversal method served players well in the previous game, it caused movement to slow down when descending great heights via Rico’s parachute. Just Cause 3 remedies this issue by adding wingsuit to Rico’s arsenal. The new combination of Grappling Hook, Parachute and Wingsuit allows Rico to glide through Medici akin to Batman in Arkham games and greatly increases the constant pace of traversal throughout the game. Controlling the grappling hook and wingsuit needs some getting used to, however, once the players get a hang of it, they can soar through the islands of Medici like a cross between Spiderman, Batman and Superman. While Avalanche Studios has managed to make this traversal method truly exhilarating, the movements do not work as well in narrow and restrictive spaces and can become imprecise and loose to the level of frustration. Aside from the variety in methods of getting from A to B, Rico also has a large assortment of weaponry available at his disposal to deal with enemy soldiers and encampments. The game gives Rico a selection of pistols, assault rifles, grenade and rocket launchers as well as explosives to reign destruction upon General Di Ravello’s forces. However the most distinguishing weapon in Rico’s arsenal is his unlimited supply of tethers. Rico can use his grappling hook to tether different objects together and then adjust the tether’s tensile strength to forcefully pull the objects toward each other resulting in destruction and mayhem. From tethering explosives to chaos targets and making them explode, to simply attaching a soldier to a moving vehicle and watching him drag to his death; the tether is a versatile item that can be utilized in multitude of creative ways to destroy the enemy without expending ammunition. Additionally Rico’s equipment, weapons, vehicles and abilities can be upgraded via the game’s “Gear Mods” which can be earned by completing their respective challenges that open up in liberated areas of Medici. These weapons and vehicles can also be requested as “rebel drops” to be delivered anywhere on the map, similar to the drop mechanic available in Just Cause 2. However Just Cause 3 adds the ability for Rico to request up to 3 different types of equipment in a single rebel drop. For example the player can choose to have an assault rifle, a rocket launcher and a helicopter delivered through one drop request. Unlike MGS V, the type of equipment ordered in a drop does not cost any money or credit; however the game balances this by limiting drops to number of flare beacons in the players’ inventory. All this variety truly makes Just Cause 3 a dynamic sandbox gameplay experience filled with exciting opportunities where the player is never left empty handed or without options. Therefore it is doubly painful when such a robust gameplay experience is mired by quality related issues. On the PS4, Just Cause 3 suffers from infuriatingly long loading times and compounds the frustration by prevalence of bugs that cause game to crash, not just in random situations but during progression missions. Furthermore the game suffers from severe slow down when the map user interface is brought up, making the simple and frequent action of placing waypoints a frustrating ordeal. This slowdown also creeps its head when things occasionally get really hectic during gameplay however, thankfully, Just Cause 3 does not feature debilitating framerate drops during normal play. On the more positive side; the game’s world is beautifully realized and looks great in motion. Just Cause 3 is full of breath taking vistas. Snow capped mountains, Sun soaked paradise with shimmering waters and vibrant fields of lavender and sunflowers. With its dynamic time and weather changes the game world looks absolutely stunning from a far but the character models, aside from Rico, and other details are not that impressive up close. Additionally the new havoc based effects create impressive physics based destruction for every building and object as well as the debris created by each explosion and demolition. The game also features a fairly competent sound design with great audial effects for explosions as well as the weapons and vehicles that Rico gets to utilize. Overall, Just Cause 3’s presentation of its humongous open world is nearly as impressive as the amount of gameplay variety stuffed in its in-game world. The game even keeps track of every minutia of actions performed to facilitate its asynchronous multiplayer, in which challenges and races have leaderboards that you and your friends can try and top. There is always something to do in Just Cause 3, from completing the story, to completing side challenges for unlocking weapon and equipment mods to undertaking pure mindless destruction. Just Cause 3’s gameplay tools are all about giving players empowerment. Whether it is soaring through tropical island with a wingsuit, speeding through the roads on a sports car, riding the waves in a boat or simply blowing things up, everything in game is designed to allow players to create their own adrenaline filled adventure. While it is mired by some technical irregularities, Just Cause 3 is a true sandbox full of tools to mix and match and therefore would appeal to anyone who is interested in creating chaos by letting their creativity run wild. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDjeTrTT0Fk&feature=youtu.be
    1 point
  13. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners get ready for some new content. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners; get ready for some disappointing news. A new free expansion pack for GTA V was announced today for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The new update will be available for download on December 15 and is centered around customizable houses, apartments and a brand new top-of-the-line Super Yacht (Yes, the Yacht can be customized to your liking as well). Along with the new add-ons, members of the GTA online community now have the ability to dive into new co-op Jobs and challenges. Also, players who create their own operation (VIP’s) are now granted with the power to hire and fire other players as their bodyguards. In addition, bodyguards now gain unique stat boots for working with VIP operations. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners get ready for some new content. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners; get ready for some disappointing news. A new free expansion pack for GTA V was announced today for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The new update will be available for download on December 15 and is centered around customizable houses, apartments and a brand new top-of-the-line Super Yacht (Yes, the Yacht can be customized to your liking as well). Along with the new add-ons, members of the GTA online community now have the ability to dive into new co-op Jobs and challenges. Also, players who create their own operation (VIP’s) are now granted with the power to hire and fire other players as their bodyguards. In addition, bodyguards now gain unique stat boots for working with VIP operations.
    1 point
  14. Gio Corsi, Director of Third Party Production at Sony Computer America, just announced during the PlayStation Experience keynote that Yakuza Zero is finally coming to the West in 2016. Yakuza Zero, as suggested by the title, is a prequel to the Yakuza series (developed and published by SEGA), taking place in December 1988. The game originally released in Japan for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on 12 March, 2015. As in all franchise titles, the main protagonist is Kazuma Kiryu of the Tojo clan. Gio Corsi also announced that Yakuza 5 will be available for PlayStation 3 on December 8 via PSN. We still have few information, but this is it guys: Yakuza ZERO is coming to the West in 2016! The news came during Sony’s PlayStation Experience 2015 keynote, along with the announcement of Yakuza 5’s release date. As with Yakuza 5, Yakuza ZERO is being brought to the West with the help of Gio Corsi and its Sony Third Party Studio.
    1 point
  15. Hard West, at first glance, appears to be a combination of X-Com meets Sergio Leone meets Supernatural. The west is a huge setting that is grossly underutilised and features in some of the best games you’re likely to play, from the likes of Red Dead Redemption, GUN and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. It makes me wish that Hard West was a little more grounded than the bewildering lunacy it delves into. In reality you’re more likely to find that Hard West shares more in common with the Jagged Alliance style of isometric turn-based combat but sadly with none of the continuity. There are a combination of short stories, connected to each other as sequels, prequels and offshoots, in what turns out to be a series of bewildering events. The problem is that these sections of the campaign may share characters, areas and lay in the same continuity, but everything you’ve done in the previous one, two or even five campaigns is rendered moot by the fact that any items bought, any cards gained and all the experience obtained is lost to the ether and you are left to start again. What makes this all the more disappointing is that Hard West clearly wants to makes your decisions matter in the way it gives you choices with their consequences. This is where the supernatural element is introduced. The introductory story dabbles a little, with side stories about men having their eyes sewn shut but are still totally aware or selling a part of yourself for increased power. Soon after, though, you’ll find yourself having sold your soul to the devil who resurrects you from the grave, leaving you to a path of vengeance and hundreds of dead bodies. It goes deeper from there. Alongside the new mini-story, each of the campaign sections offer a new overhead map with new locations to visit. What tends to add to the disjointed feeling of the campaign is that they offer a new feature, or possibly just a gimmick, taken right out of the Wild West handbook of tropes. One will have you digging for gold while another will have you leading an expedition. Another tasks you with scraping by and holding back hunger and of course you won’t miss out on the most po[CENSORED]r theme, the wanderer seeking vengeance. What happens to be the problem is that all of these as stories just feel a little weak. The lack of continuity removes all fear of making the wrong decision after the very first scenario is finished. If there’s nothing carried over then what does it matter, beyond getting a specific achievement, what choice you make? It doesn’t. It’s also hard to care about the death of old man Murray or your reason for hunting The Masked Man when the characterisation is less than that of the toast you had for breakfast. I’m possibly being a little harsh when the whole idea of these games tends to be that you make your own story and to be fair, the main cast do tend to be interesting as the game moves through the scenarios. There would probably be a lot more heft to the story, if the game hadn’t given as much freedom as it actually did. What I mean by this is the inclusion of a world map in each of the scenarios. As previously mentioned, it gave me side-stories, things to explore and the added on feature. However, it never really mattered what part of the primary story I was, since I could stop off and do as much as I wanted without any real progression taking place. On the very rare occasions Hard West finally decided that it was fed up of just waiting, it never really knew what to do with itself and led to utterly bewildering moments. One instance was in the very first story. Having been attacked by raiders, the objective was to head to your neighbours and find out if your sister was okay. At this point in time you are also being taxed on what gold you uncover by the local Mexican mobster. I kept on digging for gold and ignored the sister. However, the game decided it was fed up of waiting and the story advanced with the sister going to the mobster and trying to talk to him, getting kidnapped in the process. I then decided to go to the neighbours, where my sister was still there waiting for me. Turned out I ended up rescuing my sister while my sister was in the party, shooting herself out of a locked room. It’s a shame because Hard West really shines in anything related to combat. Character development is based around the aforementioned cards that are gained at the end of every fight. Each card has a benefit or offers an ability for you to use. Up to five cards can be held at any one time, but you can only get more than one cards benefit if they are from the same suite. Further benefits are gained if you manage to get a poker hand using them. There’s also a good variety of weapons, from close range shotguns to long range elephant guns and extra benefits can be gained from consumables and armor. This all contributes to an extremely solid combat system that veterans of X-COM, XCOM or the older Jagged Alliance fans will be familiar with. The cover system, using full, half and no cover, is brought over in the same form that you would expect. Turns take place in the same sort of two-action phase and you always have to pay attention to your ammo counter, reloading out in the open is a sure-fire death sentence. Indeed, it’s the threat of death that made the combat all that more compelling. While your characters aren’t the most developed and I certainly didn’t care about them as much as I did my hand-reared teams in such as Jagged Alliance and XCOM, the lack of mid-battle save system and my use of Iron Man mode – the death of a story centric character in battle forces you to restart the whole scenario – made the fights that much more tense. Hard West is an unusual title. The budget limitations are shown with the bland visuals, but surprisingly made up for by the understated yet excellent voice acting. The core game isn’t quite revolutionary, but there’s little need to reinvent the wheel when you can perfect it. That’s what Hard West seems to have done. It lacks any features that can surprise you, but what it does have is polished to a diamond like shine.
    1 point
  16. Tecmo-Koei announced at Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference today that Ni-Oh, a title originally announced for the PlayStation 3, is coming to PlayStation 4 next year. Japanese Magazine Famitsu in its latest issue, featured an article on NiOh, with some screenshots, as well as a few details on the game. Tecmo Koei is targeting 60 FPS, an understandable choice, given the fast pace of Ninja Team’s previous Ninja Gaiden titles. Even though the methodical fighting of a Samurai is somewhat slower paced than a Ninja’s, the game would benefit immensely from the higher framerate, as it would allow for telegraphing moves and assist in the strategical approach that the game seems to follow.
    1 point
  17. Epic Games has finally unveiled its latest title, Paragon, at this weekend's PlayStation Experience. Paragon's debut trailer was shown off during the show, which was filled with CGI. The trailer shows off many tropes we've come to expect from MOBAs, which includes a wide variety of characters, central points that need to be secured, and more. Paragon will have an open beta in summer 2016 exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PC.
    1 point
  18. Hello, Follow Rules , In Rules Dont Allowed To make Multi Accounts REED RULES! 1.5 The registration of several accounts is punished with permanent suspension of all accounts / account removal. P.S: For Unbanned You Must Want to Talk With Mr.Love,Sethhh,KIT,DiavoL,Mr.Sebby,Loading Contact One Of Them Via PM/Skype/TeamSpeak3 They Can HELP YOU! GL - Have a Nice Day!
    1 point
  19. RO Secret Identity Studios și Gazillion Entertainment au lansat titlul MMO Marvel Heroes în 2013, iar jocul a fost redenumit în Marvel Heroes 2015 la mijlocul anului 2014. Ca urmare a îmbunătățirii continue a titlului, acesta urmează să primească titulatura 2016 odată cu noile îmbunătățiri care urmau să fie lansate până la sfârșitul anului curent. Dat fiind că marele update a fost amânat pentru prima lună din 2016, acum noul nume are sens. Printre marile îmbunătățiri se numără suport pentru controller, un facelift vizual, leaderboards și noi evenimente. Marvel Heroes 2015, viitor 2016 este Free to Play și oferă majoritatea personajelor cunoscute din benzile desenate oferite de editura Marvel. Pagina sa este aceasta. ENG Secret Identity Studios and gazillion Entertainment launched MMO title Marvel Heroes in 2013, and the game was renamed Marvel Heroes 2015 to mid 2014. As a result of the continuous improvement of its title, it will receive the title in 2016 with new enhancements that would be launched by the end of this year. As big update was delayed for the first month of 2016, the new name makes sense now. Among the major improvements include support for controller, a visual facelift, leaderboards and new events. Marvel Heroes 2015 is Free to Play next 2016 and offers most po[CENSORED]r characters in comics publisher Marvel offered. Home to is this.
    1 point
  20. Cu nume complet Western Digital Ultrastar He10, noul hard disk oferă capacitate de stocare impresionantă, consum redus de energie şi promisiunea unei fiabilităţi la cel mai înalt nivel. Oferit în formatul de 3.5˝, Ultrastar He10 atinge capacitatea de 10 TB folosind tehnologia PMR (Perpendicular Magnetic Recording) şi platane care se rotesc într-o atmosferă de heliu. Gaz inert şi mai puţin dens decât aerul atmosferic, heliul reduce coeficientul de frecare intern apărut la rotirea platanelor, fapt ce permite economisirea energiei consumate şi reducerea temperaturilor de funcţionare. În plus, capetele de citire/scriere pot funcţiona la o distanţă mai mică de suprafaţa platanelor - cerinţă esenţială pentru creşterea densităţii de stocare la nivelul dorit. Comparat tehnologiei Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) folosită la alte hard disk-uri de capacitate mare, alternativa PMR permite obţinerea unei capacităţi de stocare mărite fără a penaliza semnificativ performanţele resimţite, ceea ce înseamnă că noul Ultrastar He10 se pretează atât pentru sarcini de arhivare, cât şi păstrarea datelor ceva mai des accesate, cum sunt jocurile şi aplicaţiile instalate. Parte din a treia generaţie de hard disk-uri cu tehnologie Helio Seal, seria Ultrastar He10 beneficiază degaranţie 5 ani.
    1 point
  21. Sierra Games, noul brand al publisher-ului Activision dedicat jocurilor independente, a anunţat că King’s Quest: Rubble Without a Cause, cel de-al doilea capitol al noului joc King’s Quest, va fi lansat pe 16 decembrie 2015, în versiuni pentru PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 şi PC. Dezvoltat de studioul The Odd Gentlemen, noul episod King’s Quest: Rubble Without a Cause continuă aventurileRegelui Graham, nevoit, de această dată, să-şi protejeze regatul de ameninţarea unei găşti de goblini nelegiuiţi. Cei care nu au apucat încă să joace King’s Quest: A Knight To Remember, primul capitol al noii serii, o pot face acum fără costuri suplimentare, jocul fiind oferit în mod gratuit, în cursul lunii decembrie, pentru posesorii de console PlayStation 4 ce deţin un abonament PlayStation Plus. King’s Quest Chapter 2: : Rubble Without a Cause va fi disponibil spre download începând pe 16 decembrie 2015, pentru PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 şi Windows PC (Steam).
    1 point
  22. Studioul Naughty Dog a realizat un live stream prin intermediul căruia a prezentat componenta multiplayer dinUncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Înregistrarea acestui stream poate fi vizionată, în întregime, mai jos. Dupa cum era de aşteptat, cei de la Naughty Dog au oferit secvenţe din beta-ul multiplayer ce urmează să se desfăşoare în intervalul 4 – 13 decembrie 2015, precum şi numeroase detalii despre acesta. Uncharted 4 va păstra stilul dinamic al multiplayer-ului din precedentele jocuri ale seriei, însă va adăuga şi o serie de noutăţi, cum ar fi posibilitatea de a apela la aliaţi (sidekicks), personaje controlate de AI cu diverse abilităţi, introducerea puterilor mistice (mysticals), abilităţi supranaturale preluate din mai vechile jocuri Uncharted, sau folosirea grappling hook-ului pentru navigarea eficientă a mediului înconjurător. În timp ce campania single player din Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End va rula folosind o rezoluţie 1080p (1920x1080) şi 30 de cadre pe secundă, componenta multiplayer a jocului va recurge la un compromis grafic, scăzând rezoluţia la 900p (1600x900), pentru a menţine un framerate constant de 60 fps. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End va fi lansat pe 18 martie 2016, exclusiv pentru PlayStation 4. Deţinătorii pachetuluiUncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection vor primi acces automat la sesiunea de testare beta a componentei multiplayer din Uncharted 4, în intervalul 4 – 13 decembrie 2015.
    1 point


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